
The Day the Sky Exploded (Sci-Fi, 1958) Paul Hubschmid, Madeleine Fischer | Movie, Subtitles

Scientists discover that a group of meteors are hurtling on a collision course with Earth, and if they hit, the planet will be destroyed.

Colorized version

Original title: La morte viene dallo spazio (1958)
AKA: The Day the Sky Exploded / Death Comes from Outer Space
This film is subtitled in over 30 languages. Choose your preferred language in settings ⚙️.

Director: Paolo Heusch, Mario Baja
Writers: Virgilio Sabel, Marcello Coscia, Sandro Continenza
Stars: Paul Hubschmid, Madeleine Fischer, Fiorella Mari
Genre: Classic Sci-Fi

00:00 International headlines
00:28 Title credits – full movie (wiith subtitles)
08:37 Preparing for blast-off -Countdown to the launch of the first manned rocket to the moon amidst secrecy and anticipation.
17:20 Solid gold with rocket fuel cocktail
25:56 John back on land
32:19 Winning the wager
43:52 End of the world – Global evacuation efforts initiated as humanity faces impending meteorite collision.
58:32 American solution: nuke ’em & to use missiles equipped with atomic warheads to disintegrate meteorites threatening Earth.
01:13:14 Hahaha oh Hollywood – Humanity faces imminent destruction from a massive asteroid, but is ultimately saved by a last-minute rocket launch.



  1. This movie has been copied 100 times. Must have struck a nerve.

  2. I spent many Saturday afternoons watching movies like this in my small town movie palace, during the 50s and early sixties. Does any one realize that The Day the Sky Exploded was beaten out by Gigi for Best Picture! It's a travesty! Actually, it would have been a travesty either way, but at least Sky Exploded was funny, albeit unintentionally. For another thing, we were spared the presence of Maurice Chevalier and that's always a plus. Gigi was rather pervy. Chevalier sang the main theme song, "Thank Heaven for Little Girls", when he was pushing 85 or so. You can look it up.

  3. I love it how the pilot gets picked 90 minutes before flight. Surely enough time to learn the space ship. Consider the years astronauts train….

  4. Ah yes, "men of science", who, are always, white men dressed in suits and ties. (It is important, however, to point out that the scientific method was originally hit upon by Europeans.) For those of you who think, 'any human civilization would eventually come up with science', well, there is NO evidence of that claim! Thus, 'white' guys in suits it is!

  5. Hilarious ! "ATTENTION…. ATTENTION….. EVERYBODY TO GET FROM STREET ! "…. No… that was from 'The Russians are Coming', but this movie reminded me of it.

  6. hardly no asians or hispanicois

  7. Hey, Haters,
    If you don't like these films just SHUT UP & DON'T WATCH We who are fans of these "B" movies are sick to death of your unsolicited negativity! Besides it's free, you are owed NOTHING! Stop being ignorant TROLLS & go away.

  8. @kimoe188 says:

    did they release the films Sountrack as an album?

  9. Holy atomic space rockets you need to be REALLY stoned for this one!

  10. You're very good chance that Atlas rocket that showed going up blew up they tended to do that at this time

  11. That's one tough asteroid of course it would be like a shotgun blast hitting Earth with radiation radioactive bits

  12. Coming to theaters soon the movie on the beach

  13. Hmmm… According to the copyright, the film was made in 1961 (MCMLXI), not 1958.

  14. @Muswell says:

    And then everyone died of radiation poisoning.

  15. 1961, not 1958, not that it really matters.

  16. @bobt5778 says:

    Made only 5yrs prior to Star Trek…wow!

  17. @clive3490 says:

    should have called International Rescue. Oh wait…

  18. Necco Waffers consumed, bought at the concession stand for probably 15 cents and consumed while watching this movie at our home town movie theater. Buying a children's ticket for 25 cents, no kid today would believe I did that. And I walked home alone after dark of all things. My dad did gave me enough money to go to the movies, probably knew where I was and didn't worry.

  19. At 14:00 a map shows the orbit as going from east to west. Backwards from what rockets are actually launched due to the spin of the Earth.

  20. Why is it that in 1950’s movies the astronaughts in Orbit sound like zombies.

  21. John's areal ball of fire

  22. the name of this movie is so great

  23. @SS08947 says:

    22:00 Start of general panic in the control room, all talking at once…..

  24. such creative sound effects.

  25. closed captioning is locked ON. Please address that issue.

  26. @permiek says:

    Woman, so cant do science and math for a vocation ?

  27. There is a lumberyard worth of wooden acting in this movie.

  28. STILL A ZOMBI ACTING GUY, just sitting there with a stupid kind of blank face

  29. Russia will be or have a economy of the 1700.

  30. Is the actor who played McLaren the same voice that played Scott Tracey in the Thunderirds for Gerry Anderson in 1961…the voice is so familiar

  31. Why was English overdubbed onto English speaking actors?

  32. Gratuitous use of stock footage. Horrible lighting, set design,…just really bad. Not like entertaining bad, just bad.

  33. @mazsenior says:

    A SPAGHETTI Sy-Fi ….. (thud)

  34. Напоминает фильм "Небо над головой" 1964 года

  35. Always one pretty girl in dress, heels and nylons in these movies.

  36. That music sounds suspiciously like the Quatermass/Brian Donlevy movie music. Hmm…

  37. I sure hope that lady finds her baby

  38. @sst6555 says:

    this movie is why at the drive in theaters we didn't care about the movie, we had some beers, or made out with our dates.

  39. "Yes, the sun is rising again." but I would bet that the majority of the people that we see in this movie are deceased now. 🙁




  41. The electronic music/sound effects are satisfyingly mysterious. For the time, 1958, this film is well written and acted. It differs from the endless action films of today that often lack a substantial plot.

  42. @Perktube1 says:

    A Dog Named Geiger.

  43. Amazing how Americans almost keep destroying the earth….

  44. It’s amazing to think that only seven years after this film was made, 2001 A Space Odyssey was made.

  45. There was no crater in the Tunguska event of 30 June 1908. The meteor air burst near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in what was then known as the Russian Empire .

  46. This was such a great time to be alive

  47. @djinhelo says:

    1961..NOT 1958

  48. I swear I can hear Gladys kravitz in that crowd screaming!

  49. Why do their lips not match the spoken words ?? is that an Alien sort of thing ?

  50. @paddy9449 says:

    Whew!!!!!! That was a close one!!!!! Those chicks were HOT!!!!! ♥♥

  51. They got 1908 Tunguska wrong, the object left no crater, it was an air blast around 1 mile in altitude, and the object is still a mystery even today.

  52. ahhh, my baby

  53. There never was a crater in TUNGUSKA trees were leveled for miles around but there was never a meteor whatever it was exploded above the ground this is w well know fact there is however a crater in Arizona that a meteor did hit the Earth but NOT in Tunguska.

  54. @japhfo says:

    "I think something serious is going to happen"

  55. @rchandos says:

    International cooperation during cold war era, nuclear weapons being used for humanitarian purpose. Couldn't have been made in U.S.

  56. @maeve4686 says:

    Ahhh, foreign movies not monetized by cigarette companies. American movies of the same era has everyone smoking…

  57. @fuffoon says:

    This was much less terrible than I expected. The international news reporting has not outgrown its age. And what about Madeleine Fischer? What a beautiful lady.

  58. Intresting but humans won't react in time in mentor Eva E715d

  59. At 1:10:25 there should have been a body "thunk"

  60. @Tim091 says:

    What an extraordinary pile of cr@p! I love the mission control staff getting drunk as soon as they have launched the thing! Look this film up in IMDB and in the Goofs section it should simply read "the entire film."

  61. It's no use.

  62. I love it, the announcer says to some other guy, stand by you have 3 seconds.

  63. Well written dialogues. Good acting. Good story, so much better than Cat Women On The Moon

  64. The voice over track for the main character the astronaut John was done by the actor that did Scott Tracy in the Thunderbirds.

  65. Melhor que os atuais filmes de terror do espaço!

  66. @wmden1 says:

    The sound effects for the radar were a little annoying, at times, but all in all, this was one of the better1950s science fiction B movies. It had some pretty good character developments, drama, and kept my attention well. I didn't catch myself looking for, or really finding, any unrealistic, stupid actions to make the plot move along. There was the one Russian who went crazy with the gun, just for some final suspense, at the end, but I wasn't too aggravated at it. I don't know why they always had to kill off at least one of the higher secondary characters, in these old movies, but they did.

  67. A testimony to what can be achieved with discarded B-roll.

  68. "Director of photography : Mario Baja" ??? WOW that's actually the great Mario Bava, with an "alias", no ??? Anyway COOL movie thanks !!!! 🙂

  69. The animals knew…They already headed inland from the coastal regions!

  70. The date on the original title page is MCMLXI (1961) not 1958. Also, one of the headlines in the paper under the credits had JFK which stands for John F. Kennedy and he became President in 1961. That was bad! I think this was a D movie. I still laugh at the acting and the lines. One of my favorites is Forbidden Planet.

  71. From fantasy movies to reality TV

  72. Is this movie dubbed over or is the audio not in zinc with the video? Or is it possibly the space equivalent to a spaghetti western where each speaks their own country's language and it's then dubbed over later.

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