
Indians are ALWAYS late


  1. They're like what?!?

  2. Its just as funny the second and third time I watched the end

  3. Says the grown man wearing a backwards baseball hat like he's nine years old.

  4. You started early

  5. Never late for remote work but always late for onsite work

  6. This dude is awesome ❤

  7. Everyone in America is always late.

  8. @Raj-eu1ky says:

    I really hate him

  9. Even Filipinos have an equivalent phrase for being stood up. "Inindiyan".

  10. Imagine walking into a room and THE guy in the room points to you and goes “WHAT DID I FUCKING TELL YOU!”

  11. Ha ha so hilarious
    Gonna report it
    Racist jokes are comedy now days

  12. This indian guy is singlehandedly uniting eveyone to be racist to indians and i love it

  13. @KrisRoxas says:

    Filipino time is also real.

  14. @lifepxl says:

    Seriously, Indians in america have good roads and less traffic. They can reach on time.
    In india, there's always traffic because of bad roads, toll roads, etc etc.. that's why most indians never reach on time..

  15. @Mini-n2q says:

    My sister is hard of hearing so we ran on Deaf time. You're never on time for anything when you say goodbye for two hours.

  16. There is something so arrogant about this comedian.

  17. We call it IST.

  18. I am the Indian himself. No one has ever seen me.

  19. As he has said before, "I am the best racist on earth!"

  20. Those guys walked themselves into a joke about themselves!!!

  21. The white couple were so excited

  22. When i have people over for dinner i tell my Indian friends an earlier time so we can eat when the food is ready. Never fails

  23. those Indians were paid actors

  24. @mcapps1 says:

    Bengalis are like that too.

  25. Natural selection.

  26. nice script idiot 🙂

  27. I mean it would have been ovbious the vip seats were empty

  28. I usually don't like comedians because I find most of them unfunny, but this guy always makes me laugh. He has such a great personality.

  29. Stereotyping All Indians

  30. He’s slowly making me rethink my fave top 3. Richard Jeni might be bumped out soon.

  31. Thats why Indians give a timeframe on when theyll reach. For eg. "Ill be there by 10-10.30" and will show up at 11.

  32. Black and Indian people are always late. But Latinx are just as bad and Persians (so they tell me) are even worse.

  33. @ln8173 says:

    Can't stand people who are always late and don't respect other peoples time!

  34. Bro was really close to racism until the end XD

  35. Being an Indian that loves being punctual makes it hard. Especially my wife and my sister in law side are always late. I have to get to hospital by 7am and my wife wakes up on 9 and wants to have breakfast together. So I have to complete my rounds get to breakfast at 9 and be back by 9:30 for main rounds. It's so annoying to keep telling her to be respectful of time.

  36. I would never show up an hour late to a comedy show. I'd be too embarrassed.

  37. I no more understand this shit now, paying to get disrespected, WOW!

  38. Best racist ever!!!

  39. @iamtherj says:

    In India, if you have a date at 10 am and if you make it by 11 am, you're fu*king early by 1 hour!

  40. He COOKED!!!!

  41. I mean alot of you crowd is Indian probably not a stretch that they would be Indian if it's 75 percent Indian also theu could of had people sit there for the punch line

  42. Plus the way they make the office smell at lunch

  43. @DeetCaves says:

    I didn’t like your style of comedy at first man, but just like an album, I had to give it a second and third listen.

  44. LMAO, I didn't realize this was a "cultural" thing with Indians. We had Indians from our company in town for a new project and they were EXTREMELY late every day. The excuse was different every day. One of the program engineers got annoyed with their lateness every day and was happy when they were done so work could get back to normal.

  45. @efaz4321 says:

    This is highly accurate but for some reason im the one getting fired and they be the one not doing shit at work and late on a daily and i show up to work and do shit on time

  46. Imagine if Indians and Filipinos arranged some sort of meeting. Oh boy

  47. The audacity to just claim the seats and try to justify why it was ok to do whatever you wanted lol

  48. Dude, you could make a killing as a John Edwards “psychic” doing cold readings. I’m glad you chose an honest living with stand up comedian than fake psychic grifter

  49. @MRLIVE06 says:

    India's or Hindus

  50. The only reason Aakash is on time is the money. Blaming all Indians as late is plain stupid.

  51. An hour late to a comedy show is crazy

  52. @avtawf says:

    Fucking Indian people. Terrible BO, dirty, and entitled.

  53. The dude grabbing is mouth lining the mustache like “what’s about to happen” moment

  54. It’s also how your truck drivers drive buddy. LOL

  55. Indians in my opinion are the worst people to do business with. They think their at the bizarre and the way do negotiate price is to insult you with their cheapness .

  56. My ass is early or on time

  57. @faezaxl says:

    For a person who work in hotel at front desk my Indian guest always come early before check in time and worse before checkout time and they would give excuses like they have been travelling for 12 hours and didn't sleep yet like it's my problem. Plan your travel people.

  58. I have not had a single good experience with indians…not one

  59. @jp4431 says:

    An Indian is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.

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