
Cannons – Hurricane (Official Video)

Official Video for “Hurricane” byCannons

Listen & Download “Hurricane” now!

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Fever Dream out March 25th :


Director & Editor – Ryan Rundle
Producer – Benjamin Del Guercio
Executive Producer – Frank Borin
Executive Producer – Ivanna Borin
Director of Photography – Corey Jennings
1st AC – Dima Shorin
Techno Lead Tech – Robert Warwick
Techno Head Tech – James De La Torre
CLT – Emilio Marcelino
ACLT – Silver Hernandez
SLT – Antonio Marasco
Key Grip – Jake Reeder
Best Boy Grip – Charlie McGlinsky
Choreographer – Wendell Phipps
Art Director – Alexandra Heine
Leadman – Walter Morales
Art Assistant – Angel Pinzon
Wardrobe – Lyn Alyson
Wardrobe Assistant – Alex Levey
Hair – Sara Tintari
Makeup – Kandi Hernandez
Makeup Assistant – Nelly Santiago
HMU Intern – Dulce Moran
1st AD – Tim Deal
Production Manager – Kalid Hussein
BTS Videographer – Antonio Reid
BTS Photo – Mariah Lewis
BTS Photo – Meredyth Lewis
AD PA – Lynn Millspaugh
Set PA – Natalie Stockwell

Colorist – Joseph Bicknell
Color House – Company 3
Additional VFX -Sunset Edit
VFX Artist – Mark Miko
Camera & Lenses – Old Fast Glass
Technocrane -Elite Camera Support

Shot at One Big Stage

Commissioner – Bryan Younce
Digital Marketing – Sarah Flanagan & Drew Schieffelin
Band Manager – Jon Siebels

Michelle Joy
Ryan Clapham
Paul Davis
Studio Director – Adam Brooks
Studio Camera A Op – Harper Carney
Studio Camera B Op – Romello Nelson
Usher – Mark Gargnier
Usher – Ben Hilzinger
Choir Singer – Wendell Phipps
Choir Singer – Chris Greenwell
Choir Singer – Tricia Plinzke
Choir Singer – Maryah “Jules” Handy
Choir Singer – Victoria Estrada
Choir Singer – Alicia Reason
Healed – London Gargnier
Healed – Topher Vibar
Healed – Mike Scocozza
Healed – Mariah Lewis
Healed – Amber Clapham
Healed – Drew Schieffelin
Healed – Oliver Martin

I can bring a change, I can bring the thunder and the rain
Everything around me, everything will rearrange

I’m coming back like ahurricane
I’m gonna take you higher
On a cloud of silver haze
I wanna take you higher
Away, away, away

We can blow them over
We can take them out ifyou stay
This is just a warning
Nothings standing in my way
I told you before

Coming back like ahurricane
I’m gonna take you higher
On a cloud of silver haze
I wanna take you higher
Away, away, away

Take you somewhere far away
Take you somewhere far away
Away, Away, Away

I’m coming back like ahurricane
I’m gonna take you higher
On a cloud of silver haze
I wanna take you higher
Away, away, away

#Cannons#Hurricane #FeverDream


  1. good guys… they can play… BUT they are indie… what is that? well my music was better… so you think this music will be remember in the future? well they have potencial

  2. @harlyquin says:

    she looks better with racing stipes

  3. She reminds me of Kat Dennings

  4. that was perfect ! thanks

  5. Joy is absolutely stunning, and her voice just pulls you in, I love her

  6. Me encanta este grupo como en su momento blutengel o mono inc o the warning
    Espero que me gusten por siempre

  7. toujours la !

  8. put on a shirt, dude.

  9. See liked videos and related comments to play the game.


  10. I wanna smoke joint with the girl

  11. @VoID320 says:

    Ноябрь 2024 года. Я запомню этот месяц этой песней.

  12. Yes it found me


  14. @giokid says:

    Meravigliosa creatura ❤❤❤

  15. The first 34 seconds are pointless

  16. @Den77775 says:

    New Madonna ?

  17. @MarkK-u7c says:

    One of the best things besides the band is the backup dancers.

  18. Strangely captivating.

  19. This is what happened to Jesus.

  20. @bhakta43 says:

    it feels like love

  21. She’s so pretty ❤

  22. Great song and singer is really hot!

  23. She's a babe I like this so much

  24. She's… glorious.

  25. I'm looking forward to seeing Miss Joy in Dazzling White.

  26. Scotché……un serpent dans mes pensées

  27. Stormy Eleven?

  28. Superlux Mic spotted .. hehe. Dope track!

  29. Pure sexiness ❤❤❤

  30. Al ver este video me llama mucho la atención que hace referencia a la iglesia, le restan a ella? Y ella tiene el poder para darles algo ( espíritu) y luego viene el rapto, esto está en la Biblia, pero su música me encanta si alguien me puede dar referencia de que se trata, porque muchas cosas bíblicas??

  31. @jean3304 says:

    This woman is so random-looking and poorly made up that I have no idea if she's white, south-american, metis or even asian

  32. @yusel2587 says:

    I Love Big Mommy!!.❤

  33. Холодная война шпионы роковые красотки рыцарь который проиграл

  34. Love this song

  35. Very Good Song ! Greetings from Germany !

  36. Probably one of the most underrated groups ever

  37. Мишель бесподобная)

  38. Sorry put sound so much Princess Chelsea 00:0000:35

  39. She took me higher just like she said she would. lol

  40. cruising vibes…

  41. what's he doing to his bass to make it sound like damp idk how to explain

  42. She's good. Great band.

  43. @artor9175 says:

    Is it legal to be that hot?

  44. That girl is so sexy

  45. @thedon255 says:

    All I can see is the movie, The Gamers: Dorkness Rising!

  46. like the sound for it's short time but the video is seriously cheesy . Bet the camera crew had a hard time trying to focus on what makes any sense ..

  47. God I love this song. Trying not to play it so much

  48. Adoro stupenda

  49. ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  50. Расслабление

  51. Amo sus canciones… ❤

  52. @Roxi_test says:

    I loved this song and red suit what She have

  53. Today, Tonight… T'oafternoon,' 'Toevening?..'''Find the thieves of the game…''

  54. This is a masterpiece

  55. @MsFonin says:


  56. @MsFonin says:

    Спасибо ютуб.

  57. I believe this band isn't has popular as it should be because they need to become a quartet, I mean you really need to have a cool drummer.

  58. Well, she doesn't miss abs day that is for sure.

  59. 把 haze 的z 改成不發音比較好聽

  60. ethereal pagan

  61. If your there what were those type of cloths I'm trying to save me some

  62. Changing the voting cards shouldn't they have laws to support that

  63. @TheNIX001 says:

    What a women…

  64. It’s like she threw fentanyl on the crowd then they pass out. Then all the cocaine she snorted fuxked her up then her nose started to bleed. With a little silver haze Maryjane in her system

  65. Michelle Joy is literally so beautiful <3 #goals

  66. Forever
    Undiscrubable brotherhood man 1:
    Have we started the fire

    Bane: I should really eat less

    Undiscrubable brotherhood man 1:

    Bane : I mean I mean

    Undiscrubable brotherhood man on plane 1 : your fuking stupid dude

    YES THE FIRE Rises?

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