This is my STAR WARS: The Old Republic – Teaser Trailer (2025) Keanu Reeves, Tom Hardy | Concept that would star Keanu Reeves and Tom Hardy. I portray through “A.I.” what it could look like if they made an hollywood A/B live-action movie. I hope you enjoy and if you like it please like, comment and subscribe for many more videos like this weekly.
Darth Revan: Keanu Reeves
Bastila Shan: Naomi Scott
Darth Malak: Tom Hardy
HK-47: Alan Tudyk (voice)
Missian Vao: Hailee Steinfeld
Darth Nihilus: Tom Hiddleston
Jolee Bindo: Djimon Hounsou
Canderous Ordo: Stephen Lang
Master Vandar Tokare: Piotr Michael
Valkorion: Gary Oldman
Carth Onasi: Sebastian Stan
Juhani: Gal Gadot
The Exile/Meetra Surik: Maika Monroe
Darth Traya: Emma Thompson
Zaalbar: Joonas Suotamo
Visas Marr: Gemma Arterton
Calo Nord: Toby Leonard Moore
Mira: Katherine McNamara
Saul Karath: Hugo Weaving
Darth Sion: Michael Fassbender
Master Kavar: Jim Caviezel
Atris: Kate Beckinsale
Atton Rand: Brenton Thwaites
Darth Bandon: Kevin Durand
Zayne Carrick: Thomas Sangster-Brodie
Theron Shan: Jensen Ackles
L’Orchestra Cinematique
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**This is a Concept Trailer. This was NOT made to fool or scam anyone, it is simply for fans to take a glimpse into what the movie could be like.
**Copyright Disclaimer: This video is protected under fair use, due to the fact that it demonstrates/conceptualizes a specific or non-existing film idea, and compiles clips from previously existing productions to create a creatively unique vision and give new meaning. The video displays visual commentary on how a film idea could look
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This is my STAR WARS: The Old Republic – Teaser Trailer (2025) Keanu Reeves, Tom Hardy | Concept that would star Keanu Reeves and Tom Hardy. I portray through "A.I." what it could look like if they made an hollywood A/B live-action movie. I hope you enjoy and if you like it please like, comment and subscribe for many more videos like this weekly.
this would be awesome but also the longest freaking movie if you're gonna include darth malek , darth nihilus and valkorion and besides you cant include valkorian without arcann and thexan or athleast vaylin
AI is getting better
Is this a film or just a game?
Disney : "Sorry, can't produce anything higher than mediocre-tier. Looks good though…"
Best casting for Any SW Film
Wow – that encapsulated KOTOR I & II through SWTOR. I'd love to see movies based on these games but I don't trust the loons at Disney to do them justice. They've pretty much shat on everything they've produced.
You had me at Keanu Reeves as Darth Revan….my goodness, this would be amazing. This is like when you wake up from one of those good dreams and think, "Oh man, that wasn't real life."
Emma Thompson as Treya would be incredible!
I was scared for a second
This would be epic…the cost of just rounding up this cast of actors would be astronomical.
The second I started liking it I new it wasn’t real star wars is dead honesty.. I heard there gunna make another movie with ray I don’t dislike her but the storyline is horrible and she’s not a Jedi she didn’t get the training.
Well, that was awesome.
the better cast the worse the plot…????
You couldn't afford all the actors
Excellent Casting.
Идеально подобранные актеры под персонажей, особенно бастилла и митра сурик!
А дарт трея вообще кайф
Its a.i made this shit.
Keanu would be perfect for Revan
I would give anything to watch a great The Old Republic movie but thx to Disney it won't happen
This is one of the best I've seen. Even at full screen on a 4 year old laptop. Excellent idea, detail and production overall.
And if you don’t find yourself starring in this movie, consider yourself woke!
Honestly half the characters no one knows and I do find it a bit difficult to try a to enjoy Disneys next Star Wars episode.
Too much toxic masculinity for this to happen. lol
You are all Meatbags.
You. You, the one reading this. You are a meatbag. Your friends are meatbags, your family members, meatbags, too, all you ever knew.
Darth blob
LMAO Bastila is so pretty and you got that actress? Congratulations, you can work for Disney with your diverse cast. Revan and Bastila are White.
Steven Lang, Emma Thompson and Hugo are actors that could destroy what is left of the Star Wars legacy. They are mis fit to the saga.
Amazing. Too bad they don't care.
This needs to seriously be made a movie or series sans (w/o) Disney
Gary Oldman perfect choice for that role!
There’s no way this movie would be made, but it’s nice to think about.
They really should make a show about Revan staring Keanu. 100% guaranteed money.
Where were the twins and Darth Bane? Rule of Two arc is nuts
I would watch this TV show if it was on HBO and rated R.
Sith uses Darkside of the Force
Darth Nihilus: I Am The DARKSIDE
Now this is STAR WARS ,that could surpass AVATAR 1,2 within first few Days
i didnt expect to see that – but i sure like it hahah
Esto es verdad? Estoy cansado del feminismo previo de Star Wars promovido por Disney.
Sorry, but it looked like nothing more than a wishlist.
Your work is AMAZING!
I hope is real
Shut up and take my money!
Gary Oldman, or Hugo Weaving would make a really great Darth Vitiate.
Nihilus AND Valkorion?!?!? no way they can make such a movie
Lmao ai as fuck
this is fake so fuck you appropriately
If Only….
Valkorion came long after many of these characters were alive. He would have been Emperor Vitiate at that time because it was Vitiate who turned Revan and Malak to the dark side.
Jenson Ackles as Theron, I love that.
Need to send this to Disney so they can take notes on bettering star wars I played the hell out of 1,2 games
good cast until you showed that talentless, zionist whore gal gadot. she doesnt belong in a proper star wars project, hollyweird jews and their nepotism is destroying these franchises, you dont put anyone of them into this.
Love it but Theron Shan should be Asian
Too bad this is all fake.
if this would happen it will save the Star wars for decades. So many really good actors to provide the breath of HOPE that all the public desire and wait for. It will be a really movie or serie to see and reviews. The producers should have a look at and wake for this HUGE Oprotunnity.
Wow an all star cast hope Disney doesn’t screw it up
Let lucas. Direct it , with out Dizzy involved.
I allways thought Malak looked kind of ridiculous, but this version of him looks bad ass. I would totally watch this.
I got goosebumps when I saw the Exile and Traya
That would destroy Star Wars forever and all the real fans would turn away. Some people who call themselves artists have never understood Star Wars
Even a fake Jim Cavaziel is a piece of shit
Seriously you need to stop giving Disney ideas!!! lol.
Take my $10, better than disney
Disney GO OUT
So this isn’t real. It’s a fan’s wishful thinking.
Keep dreaming
Se keanu esta dentro ……………..vai ser top com certeza . o cara é picahhhhhhhhhhhh
Keanu…enough 4 me
How about the darth bane trilogy
All white man's are bad…
Now, which one of them will be g4y?
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Resurrection at last!
Cast looks amazing hope the script is decent and some lame Disney garbage
Bro… yes please!
To bad its fake
Wow! In a Galaxy far away…a good storyline bacame better Disney!
1:54 That’s definitely how Darth Traya would look like accurately in life.
This would not only re do the franchise this could possibly even surpass George Lucas work man I pray Disney does not
Has a good cast…hopefully they get a decent script
but i miss an old friend …Ewan McGregor
al fin mi juego favorito que me hacia llorar ahora en pelicula va ser un exito con el tremendo elenco de actores
Darth Traya, Canderous Ordo, Carth Onasi and Atton Rand are EXTREMELY SPOT ON. I screamed a little bit
Everyone on earth knows Keanu meant for Revan btw 😛
This would be the Most expansiv Movie ever Made
I'd watch that. Dave Feloni would kill this!!!
Your cast sure is beautiful. Every one of those women is top tier beautiful. And almost all of the men are handsome AF. Nice choices