i am suprised. i fought the s20u would kick the a54 s ass but it didn t for front facing it was close with the a 54 looking sharper but a bit dark and the s20u looking way to soft and oversaturated makeing it look unatural. for the rear camera the a 54 delivered a pritty good video it look sharp not to dark loke the front facing camera and overall just way better than the s24u wich just was obersaturated and again had that soft look and overall lppked unatural
I don't give a shit about how good the camera is, ON MY GODDAMN PHONE.
HOW, have phone upgrades gone down to a feature that a majority of users DON'T CARE ABOUT. Most people aren't taking photos all the time.. maybe ONCE in a few months.
No one ever complained about flagship phone's cameras. I remember vividly how well the galaxy s7 did with just ONE camera.
Please find a phone that would be considered an upgrade from an LG V60 (quad DAC, 3.5mm jack, SDXC slot, 64mp main camera, Dual Screen instead of a "foldable," etc.). I've had it for four years with no issues.
This video shows the change in colour science and ideology over 3 years.
S20U had a whitish skin tone which is the more favoured beauty standard in certain Asian countries showing the company's emphasis on the Asian market. Whilst the midrange tends towards a more natural look showing the shift to a more global market focused approach.
It's all about the latest software and new sales now a days. SMH. Still love my Note 10 Plus, which is why I refused to trade in, so I PAID IN FULL for my S23 ULTRA!.
Bro I'm calling BS because how does the s20 Ultras front camera show better quality than the rear camera in this video? I have the s20 ultra and the rear camera looks much better than your footage
i am suprised. i fought the s20u would kick the a54 s ass but it didn t for front facing it was close with the a 54 looking sharper but a bit dark and the s20u looking way to soft and oversaturated makeing it look unatural. for the rear camera the a 54 delivered a pritty good video it look sharp not to dark loke the front facing camera and overall just way better than the s24u wich just was obersaturated and again had that soft look and overall lppked unatural
Me with a one year old Xiaomi midrange phone.
A flagship phone is always better than a midrange phone. There is no need for comparison.
S20 Ultra
Old is better
only good mid galaxy phones are galaxy a51 a52 a71 a72
the old flagship makes him look bubblicious
Please try the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 plus… I'm looking forward to buying it so is it worth it
The Ultra would always win
Im wondering did mrwhosetheboss copy you? Or did you copy mrwhosetheboss
Do more of these compares
Good flagship
Show camera result..not your face
News Flash, you won't be able to give a correct answer if your phone's picture resolution is not higher than both phones
Why a54 looks better is it my eyes or a54 is better
S20U the old goat
Update your flagship phone some improvements are there in video recording
The new mid range looks better especially with the rear facing camera
me with 4-year-old s10
Me with an old budget phone
I prefer the S20 Ultra since I had that phone I tested it myself and it looks way more natural
I've always wondered about overall performance vs old flagship vs current midrange
Watching on my 5yr old s10e
S20 ultra
I have S22 and it's camera is awful. I owned S8 which had far better camera.
myold 20 ultra shit hot issue
Old flagship
Old flagship
I use the a54 so I'll go with it
Not much in it
a54 the s20 looks way to bright like my eyes were buring
On the back camera of the a54 beats it out
Good software and ok hardware vs good hardware but old software
A54 is already overheating after 3 seconds
A54 is better
I have the a 54 its amazing never lags
Me watching on my Samsung Note 7 with burned screen
Clearly falgship ❤❤❤
I think something is wrong with your S20U Rear Camera bro
I really like your videos, I wish you could do a phone giveaway.
The best front facing is the S20U but the rear camera is the A54.
The new one
I don't give a shit about how good the camera is, ON MY GODDAMN PHONE.
HOW, have phone upgrades gone down to a feature that a majority of users DON'T CARE ABOUT.
Most people aren't taking photos all the time.. maybe ONCE in a few months.
No one ever complained about flagship phone's cameras. I remember vividly how well the galaxy s7 did with just ONE camera.
Me with realme gt neo 3
Front u20 ultra rear a54
ultra vs midrange how funny
Please find a phone that would be considered an upgrade from an LG V60 (quad DAC, 3.5mm jack, SDXC slot, 64mp main camera, Dual Screen instead of a "foldable," etc.). I've had it for four years with no issues.
new better
This video shows the change in colour science and ideology over 3 years.
S20U had a whitish skin tone which is the more favoured beauty standard in certain Asian countries showing the company's emphasis on the Asian market. Whilst the midrange tends towards a more natural look showing the shift to a more global market focused approach.
Why he progressively get more sweaty
The A54 actually clears, didn't expect that
Mid range ftw
the front camera on A54 is a bit bluer side
but the rear facing camera has good colours
A54 look more natural
Not sure which was which. I would probably get the newer phone in general.
It's all about the latest software and new sales now a days. SMH. Still love my Note 10 Plus, which is why I refused to trade in, so I PAID IN FULL for my S23 ULTRA!.
A54 is better but I think S20 will excel in photos, A54 only competes because of the processing but hardware on the S20 is much better.
Your face is symmetrical as for real i hope i have that
Answer is iPhone
3 years is definitely not old lmao
I thought this was going to be something like 5-7 years.
My concern with getting an older new flagship would be the battery degrading over time.
Ideally, I would get a new mid-ranger some 6-8 months after released when it's cheaper because of newer ones coming out.
Front camera: S20 Ultra
Rear camera: A54
Video should be 3 year old flagship camera vs. New midrange camera.
So the s20 has this terrible camera
Love my a54 dont plan on changing it anytime soon Beautiful Camera and Superb Sound
They are all trash.
Me with the A54
The a54 looks better to me. The s20 ultra made you look really red.
Old flagship as always
New midrange on the rear camera but old flagship on the front facing camera.
Rear looks better on A54 while front looks better on S20
S20u rear made him look like a baby
Rear camera on the A series looks better to me.
The s20 has more clarity.
I think the rear facing camera of your s20 ultra was dirty. Can't blame you it's kind of a fingerprint magnet. But I really just want to point it out
Can someone gift me a samsung s21
Bro I'm calling BS because how does the s20 Ultras front camera show better quality than the rear camera in this video? I have the s20 ultra and the rear camera looks much better than your footage
did bro just talk slow to cover up the video length or is that how he is