here we are with our 80s themed walking workout designed to get your heart rate up, to elevate your metabolism and your mood!
I have thrown in some really fun moves for you to dance/walk it out with me but if at anytime, these exercises get to challenging for you, or you just cant get the coordination down right, its okay! Take a breath and just keep your feet walkin’
If you are specifically struggling with weight loss, motivation, or just getting consistent with your workouts, make sure to subscribe and follow my walking workout routines I post in my community tab weekly! This will help you get your body moving, and get your mojo back!
Im really thankful for each and every one of you! Keep shining sistas
Record a video or take a picture of you doing the workout, tag me @growwithjo @growwithjo_united
Record a video or take a picture of you doing the workout, tag me @growwithjo #growwithjo @growwithjo_united
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All information provided by growwithjo is of a general nature and is furnished only for educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold growwithjo harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims.
growwithjo beginner workouts abs workout walking all standing low impact fun fitness videos
by far the most fun walking workout I've created! Excited to see you boogieing with me!! Make sure to give this video a big thumbs up and comment below what theme walk you want to see next!
Such a fun workout! And this bodysuit is amazing! Where can I find it or something similar? Thanks 🙂
That was incredible! My heartrate was consistently >150 bpm which only happens when I'm jogging, and this was so much more fun than jogging could ever be! I didn't even notice how exhausting it was. Also great to see how much fun you're having!
Cool ! Can we have the long version ?
I'm new to your workouts, and enjoying them so much! This is my fave, love the music! ❤
Nice one, I can get this in before my shower before work!
Would love to see an hour long Maroon 5 workout.
What a fun workout! Thank you!!
Best workout ever❤❤❤❤ how much callories you burn with this workout?
This one was short but whipped my tail lol
Wish this was longer! So fun, great song choices!
May we please have more 80s inspired workouts. You the best sis. thank you a million times for these wonderful workouts. Love all the way South Africa 🙂 Nimah
Did this video with the rest of my fitness group, we all loved it.
Loovvvveeeeer this workout!!! I love all your workouts but this one is my favorite to get me up off the couch!! I recommend you to everyone!! ❤❤❤
oh my gooooood❤❤❤❤ I sweated and breathed like an idiot but this was so pleasurable! I was smiling and dancing and didn’t feel like this was a workout at ALL! thank you Jo <3
Would love a Madonna one if you feel like it ..thank you your dance workouts are sooo fun
Oh great workout with music that i love
Thank u.
More 80's pleeeeeeease. I never manage a smile during your videos, but this did it! I have been doing your workouts for half a year now purely for good mood 🙂 to have something that helps me keep going (living with brain cancer). Maybe 80's Madonna?
We NEED a longer version of this! It’s the most fun I’ve ever had working out and I do this as a finisher after everyone of my workouts because it’s so much fun.
This was so fun to do ❤❤❤
I loved your choice of tunes but your dog stole the show at the end! 😉 Loved the workout! Thank you! Big love from Spain! x
I've just now discovered this channel. Her wide smile is just what I needed to finish the workout. Love how she sang some of the words, and the jumping in circles moves gave a dopamine boost! Finally, wow, I am really out of shape 😉
Can you please make a 30 or 45 min version of this? I love it so much ❤
I loved this class ❤ greetings for Brazil.
What a fun and funny workout! Thank you for the laughter and burn. I loved the outfit, the music and the crazy cute dog joining in the joy rising.
That was amazing!!!! I haven’t done a dance video before and now I’m in love!!! C
This was fun!
great workout! thank you!
Por favor faça um vídeo de músicas do Michel Jackson eu amei seus vídeos
You know what I love about this channel and these dance party workouts (aside from the fact it's easy to adapt the exercises to my chronic pain addled body and living in an apartment with wood flooring and downstairs neighbours)?
The immaculate vibes. So much joy and good vibes!
The dance parties in particular are amazing, because you can pick and choose which one strikes you fancy or your mood and it's always so fun to move with them!
Anyways, sending love to you, Jo, and to all the amazing people enjoying the content too <3
Loved this one!
I burned 90 calories 🙂
God and Jesus Christ loves u repent and give ur life to Christ Amen Amen 🙂
this was so much FUN!!! 80s are the best pls do moreeee
Great workout thanks for sharing loved it Hugs Michele
I really enjoyed it, wasn't to difficult but got my heart racing. Music was really fun
love this did it again cheers Michele
How many steps is it approx.?
Thaks Love <3
did it again love it thanks Michele
loved it again so much fun Hugs Michele
From Scotland here, absolutely love all the songs but the last one took me back ❤
Genuinely enjoyed this. More low impact 80s workouts please!
You made this video so fun! I was smiling the whole time I was doing it! Thank you so much for uploading it!
Why is there NO warm up
So fun!!
I did it to day wooooow since i started this month a have been trying to do half most of the time but today i did till the end wooooo
Jo, esse foi ótimo!!!
Why I feel wham coming on
that was a fun workout
Loved it so much I did it two times in a row
I loveee these
It was fun and uplifting, more 80s please!!!
Also loved your recent worship video work out ✨
I'm 25 years old. My favorite Workout! The BEST!
Can you do a short workout with where’s the hot stepper song? Tysm for all the videos I have started my journey and you have got me on to making a workout part of my routine.
You are cool
I love you
Oh, you've done it! I have been looking for a fun dance workout and came across this one. Love the music. I only had to slow down a time or two, but I had fun doing it. Thanks!!!
The only workout I have ever stuck to and enjoyed ! ❤ it’s like being on a night out I smile the whole time thank you
I had almost never practiced sports in my life. I’m 34 and I gained 20 lbs in 5 years. I refuse to buy new clothes until I reach my past weight. I discovered your channel in August, practiced everyday, then I went on holiday and ate a lot… now I’m back and more serious than ever ! With a little diet and trying to exercise a little everyday, I already lost 3 lbs in 2 weeks ! You are the only one who succeeded in motivating me. Thank you !
I'm so curious why you don't workout with good shoes on. Is there a health reason? This is a great video! Just found you.
Please could you do a bucks fizz workout. Thank you for the workouts
That was a sweaty good workout my 3rd today thanks as always for the motivation ❤
Loved the video ❤ this was a ton of fun! ❤
Oh my god I keep coming back to this workout, it's just so much fun! I love this so much! Could you do a walking workout with Pink please? ❤
Coming here in 2024 and your baby was sooo smallll! Now he's a big boy already! I love you Jo!
I need more 80s workouts please!! This one was so fun!