
Heloise Tunstall-Behrens & Auclair – Dance Off (Cosmo Sheldrake Remix)

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  1. @jyrd76 says:

    this is so much better than drugs

  2. @yoshi_923 says:

    You know it's going to be a good day when Cosmo releases a new song

  3. This sounds great, you should do more remixes

  4. I've never been faster in my life

  5. @_-noa-_ says:

    Why is your music so good man???
    God damnit, i love this

  6. This is wonderful.. whimsy yet grounded. Not to mention a treat that we get 2 in a day!

  7. If it becomes fame I will say that I heard it first

  8. @foxwing42 says:

    Why did you post 2 songs right before school now I can't put them on repeat for hours

  9. Two song in a day, nice

  10. YESSSSS been blessed upon this day

  11. @fiomeras says:

    I love your beats british man

  12. this is crack for my ears

  13. @ishner says:

    Anyone parse those lyrics?

  14. You’ve successfully made me confused about the difference between vocals and intruments

  15. Makes you think of bees dancing to the rhythm! Very interesting!!

  16. Me and the homies (honeybees) listening to this dope remix


  18. Nice goofy vibes

  19. I fucking love bees


  20. So… Cosmo's doing remixes now… I wonder if he's gonna do one of Tally Hall's songs?

  21. Renaissance fair with murderous jesters

  22. This is awesome!

  23. Nothing better than a new cosmo sheldrake track

  24. So beautiful, like a dream at the end of the universe

  25. COSMO SHELDRAKE >>>>>>>>

  26. When they said "shi ne shiiii ring ah ah ah" It really spoke to me

  27. I am convinced cosmo is just a reincarnated deity of music of Ancient Greece that now learned computers and has been producing straight bangers since

  28. Just amazing

  29. @avabeyva says:

    Both mystic as it feels beastly and powerful, it has such an epic tone to it

  30. COSMO, AGHHH YOU BEAUTIFUL MAN. If you keep posting such inspiring songs I could have a book of shorts stories and poems wihin a week! It's so beautiful yet so distracting, I need more. But I also need to stop.

  31. feels like I'm dancing with people who might give me something really amazing afterwards if they like my dance or kill me if they don't like my dance

  32. @kyacchan_ says:

    I saw the notification while I was at work and I couldn't wait to come home to listen to this…. Boi, was the wait rewarded. This is simply amazing. Thank you for this wonderful piece

  33. @grimr.599 says:

    This is so stuck in my head lol

  34. @AdminAddy says:

    0:00 for those who need a repeat button for this wonderful song~

  35. @BriarMB13 says:

    OH! Are these some of the ladies from the Deep Throat Choir???

  36. I want a modern dance troupe to choreograph with this. Would be profoundly moving

  37. @xenarthhh says:

    Just found your music, and I love it SO MUCH!

  38. Прекрасно!

  39. Ever notice how you can't ever really have a favorite Cosmo song? They're all too amazing and different to really rank. Maybe it's just me but Cosmo is too good with every single one of his pieces. Beautiful stuff dude.

  40. This makes me want to build hexagonal living spaces and signal the location of pollen-rich flowers to my peers via wriggly dances.

  41. @BrainsArt says:

    I've been listening to this on repeat since it's come out I love it so much

  42. @kw6926 says:

    I'm addicted to this song. It feels like it felt when I heard wake the witch for the first time – Didnt know what hit me then, this is the first song that's evoked mischeif and joy in me since then. Wonderful

  43. @plant9238 says:

    (0:002:25) What I imagine in this song is being pushed in a circle of fire with another person; probably someone really close to you, maybe a s/o, or a loved one, you are told to fight or both of you will be killed. The vocals in the background is the chanting of the crowd. Your loved one doesn’t want you to die, as expected so they throw the fight, (2:252:43 would be the death scene) 2:433:13 would be the crowd of people surrounding you cheering and celebrating your win, it’s chaos yet them chanting is so pleasing, you’re experiencing a confidence overflow or something—Until 3:13 when you get a glance of your loved one being put into flames

  44. Cosmo music is like what I imagine fairies listen to- like no matter what you imagine as fairies including they all listen to Cosmo

  45. @Selkiyo says:

    i am convinced that cosmo sheldrake is putting some drug in his music, its soo good!

  46. This feels less like a remix and more like a sequel. Like the bees have weathered that rainstorm at the end of the original and are just so ready to get to that garden now 🙂

  47. cosmo i need you on vinyl

  48. The next time someone asks me what my favourite song is I'll simply say "Cosmo Sheldrake"

  49. Can you put a few of ur songs in one hour long video? – Edit so it's understood better

  50. Can you release an instrumental version of this as well? Like without that voice?


  52. Holly fuck this is some of the best shit I've ever heard I'm glad I found you

  53. @bean8839 says:

    It feels like there’s bees dancing and flying in my head and I love it.

  54. @Lekia-k1u says:

    Cosmo is not capable of creating a bad song , all of his songs are literally so unique and give of such a vibe

  55. When is the new album coming out?

  56. @darioaapl says:

    BY FAR the best music out there! Got me through the worst of times ❤

  57. Эхх, жду возвращения

  58. I simply have nothing to say other then I love all your music. ❤

  59. Me when I dance with an ancient fae troupe who will steal my eyes if I mess up but grant me a great wish if I impress them

  60. @Ola-yq7wp says:

    This does in fact sound like a bunch of bees

  61. If eco brutalism was a song

  62. I for some unknown reason forgot to look at this song

  63. @qannicc says:

    this is my song MY MINE MYMYMYMY SONG

  64. bees in my head

  65. @bytgfkbjn says:

    i don't feel asmr but this song is the first time i've ever experienced it (masterwork as always– remix completely reimagines the original piece)

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