Challenged by neighboring jurisdiction, Sutter County Sheriff’s Office teamed up with Yuba City Police Department, Sutter County Courts, and Sutter County Code Enforcement to respond to the Git Up Dance Challenge.
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Taylor Cynthia Moore Timothy Lee Karen
Very kool
This was enjoyable
Y'all's cute as heck❤️
this is so fun, for them when their job can be so hard in time I'm happy for them all good job
Wall your
Caleb Hoffman 911 today
My home today 10 30 am today you have santa-claus Indiana
Thanks! That was great!
That's so cool you go for it
The guy from the sheriff's department was getting down
The K9 is the star lol
Lol mine baby
Sisnu pop a blood vessels bending over sideways shock collar brokee lol
That dog said i will bark if i wat to fool
Stuiped it is 2025
XCOTHIiLl miss miss mom we are going out there
Population of about 3k people and i bet crime is so low and eveeyone knows eachother.
Aww I love that the dog joined ❤
XCOTHIiLl Orders
Cops are human just like the rest of us with the worlds hardest job ever hated by everyone they are needed by!!! MUCH RESPECT TO YOU GUYS AND THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO!!!!
I found this after 4 years
That was REAL good! Not bad at all!
The Imperial mach was a bit gross. Umm the imperial mach represents dictatorships, fascism. Not America. Unless you want the American people to fear you , but be are a union if people. This country was founded to oppose tyranny , however in my opinion you have become tyrants in your own world
Hello from Manitoba, Canada! I just discovered this amazing video a few days ago, and have watched it many times since then. I CAN'T STOP!! I have the deepest respect for law enforcement!! Please can you tell me what song you're dancing to?
Mercy! Those days seem like so long ago now! It's Nov 2024, and our country is an occupied country now!!
This is the most horrible thing I've ever seen
The dog wings
Ya tv we know but let them boys go. Boys Town down there needs them real life situations at moment.
great video!
I’m here in 2036! Who’s with me?
Watching these weirdo’s gets me pissed off that these are my tax dollars at work
O yeeee
Bro is this irl or animated?
The homeless people challenge you to act like a zombie challenge
Meanwhile, houses are getting broken into all over the city.
You are all amazing!
The Ford team
That was s some darn good dancing and actually it had me rocking in my bed. Good night you guys take care.❤❤❤ by the way we know that you guys do the best you can so, you bad talkers out there back off!!!
Awwwwww the cop cars are having a little smooch
Sutter county definitely won the spot
I Am!
I can't stop laughing my ass off
They were all great what are relief from them out there getting mugged and shot
WoW their department are spectacular dancers
I'm here in 2024
Awesome job to everyone!!!
great job guys have fun stay safe
Dang… Love.ya
Me x
I love this song do you guys like this song
Stop saying that
Men dance great girl no can’t dance