
Earth, Wind & Fire – “Lets Groove” | Phil Wright Choreography | Ig : @phil_wright_

Help me get this on The Ellen Show
Come Visit me at IDA Hollywood in LA, Every Monday 6pm! Open Hiphop. All souls are Welcome! Follow me on

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Carly , Sister / Mom
Criscilla Anderson / Full Family
Lyric Jade / Mom & Dad
Raven Alanes / Dad
Ana Shibata / 81 Old Grandpa
Natalia Vazquez / Mom
Casssidy Saavedra / Mom
Anisa Walker / Mom
Christian Simon & Little brother / Mom
Gabriel Storm / Mom

and More…

Film & Edit : Rickie “Typo” Crouch


  1. @Ghiwine says:

    SO so cool. Glad I clicked to watch it.

  2. Earth, Wind, and Fire have been bringing everyone together since the 70's, love to see it!

  3. I'm not tired to see this video in 2024, it's makes me happy, and you?

  4. Love this ❤

  5. Cada vez que lo veo me hipnotiza.

  6. @coop001 says:

    If you're ever feeling a bit down and need something to make you smile at the sheer joy of the performers, just put this on, it'll lift you every time.

  7. @juneors says:

    My last comment on this video was 5 years ago, but whenever I feel sad and think there is no hope in this world, I come back here to watch this video and see how beautiful life is.

  8. So much shit contained in so little a video..homelessguysz flashing, addams family, urkle, immigrants staking a claim, sisters, hanging upside dowb, moms and dads and families … it makes me believe in everything my everyday…. love you

  9. Love this!!!❤❤❤

  10. EW&F – Just the best! So happy and joyful. Great dancing!!

  11. Lopez Kevin Harris Sarah Jones Mark

  12. Greatness! I want to be there also! 🙂

  13. I love the safety and the encouragement of this class. Such a great concept. Having fun and dancing to great music!

  14. These are so much fun to watch. Makes me wanna move, but my old lady body won’t cooperate. Thanks for sharing and for making me smile!

  15. Fabolous ❤

  16. RPG dance anyone?

  17. When this song was on the chart , in today's eye, early 80s are like ancient , still use type writer in offices. But the songs are eternal! I am so proud as a teenage at that time. Life was fun,!!!

  18. This looks fun!! But how do you organize an Open hip Hop? im curious

  19. Everyone in this video great job on your interpretations

  20. I have a tear from my eyes, thinking
    Why why why
    Can't the world
    Be like this.
    God bless everyone, love you.
    God bless.

  21. This video is what really makes America great not republicans or democrats liberals or conservatives left wing or right wing.

  22. Love this…I wanna be in this group or class

  23. muito criativo lindo pais e filhos maravilhoso parabéns

  24. Groove that cool

  25. Clownish not hot

  26. How can you not smile with this.

  27. @bird5509 says:


  28. Lo sigo viendo!!!!❤

  29. c'est un concours de grimaces ?

  30. Video maravilhoso! Uau…

  31. A galera que aparece aos 4'31" também foi incrível!

  32. @MrTiBone says:

    Music and dancing are the best Things in Live… how happy they are… love it

  33. just enjoy simple things

  34. 2:28 This girl is so cute!

  35. Lindo video .

  36. @monicalfd says:

    Makes me smile every time! ❤

  37. I so enjoyed watching these families coming together and celebrating with music and dance

  38. AMOOOOO! Pena que não tem aqui no Rio pra dança com minha filha

  39. Earth, Wind & Fire – "Lets Groove" | Phil Wright Choreography | Ig :

  40. @bi8968 says:

    I don't know what it is.But people with billions of dollars just won't leave us poor people to enjoy ourselves. ..leave us the eff be..
    Enjoy your money and leave us alone

  41. i like it, make me smile, i feel warm in my heart, so excited,families and friendship

  42. sempre assisti esse video. transmite uma vibe muito boa !!

  43. Every time I watch this video I have no doubt that Carly and her sister are the best of all… ❤❤❤

  44. This video always brings me to tears.Love EWF.You feel the happiness and love with all the families dancing together.

  45. @Rick-o7w says:


  46. Wow 31 million views congratulations what incredible dancers with a killer song from Earth Wind Fire..

  47. I've been doing daddy- daughter dances for 10 years. Every year it brings me to tears

  48. Love watching this clip from time to time. It always gives me positive vibes and makes me smile all the time

  49. Except for the 1st trio, (Granny got down) all the kids blew their parents out with real energy, even after seeing this 1000 times!

  50. MAN I FREAKING LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!

  51. The absolute best feel good video out there

  52. @tess7798 says:

    There is not a smile until the girl dancer at 2;30
    Why do dancers looking angry appeal to people? It’s not sexy or attractive.

  53. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  54. I love earth,wind, e fire

  55. @sunegeri says:

    That was awesome, I needed that ❤

  56. @djjerome says:

    Uniting people with the power of the groove. Beautiful! Keep doing God's work Phil!

  57. Unidos todos haremos este Pais grande again

  58. Q lindo todos unidos

  59. Perfect timing to come upon this video when the politics of this country are killing our spirits. Today I had happiest chuckles and tears of joy to see such fun and love. I was also trying to do all the dance moves. AWESOME and thank you families for sharing your talents!!

  60. Greatest song to dance to. Video shows you cannot be angry or depressed while dancing.

  61. Oh my gosh what can I learn this dance is there a lesson on YouTube that I can actually learn this dance. Please please

  62. This video always makes me so emotional so beautiful to see

  63. Ok I just saw this article about Baby Holly Marie being found and is with a family that's not hers, I know deep in my heart that she is my daughter and I also know it's going to take time to earn her trust and have her believe by not being forced to believe what she's being told, I want everything to be her decision and I need the support of young people like you who do not talk perverted language or I'm going to beat you and I married your 8 year old daughter Arianna Lowe Forgham because it is the truth. The people who took her played a real mean head game on her and it could vey well be the people she's with, she does look different but that doesn't matter to me what matters is that I love her I always have and she is my daughter and I refuse to give up on her and let her keep living a lie by people who will not tell her the truth, the people in the group picture to me and this is just me my opinion only , is that all of them resemble someone she once knew. Like I said it'sy opinion and mine only.
    Thank you for letting me Air out my feelings I need to get enrolled in a support group or something cause I really don't know who to turn to at this point and I don't want to make her come here when she's been made to do whatever they ask of her for the last 12 years, I want it to be like it was when she was just "Holly" able to make her own decisions without been in trouble or called names or even beaten as she has been.


    Rebecca Lucille Lowe (Castillo) maiden name

    Quintin and Mary Villarreal Rodriguez Castillo ( my parents name)
    They gave birth to
    6 girls
    3 boys
    All of us born on Air Force Bases my Dad was 34 years old when I was born

    Las Vegas Nevada
    Nellis Air Force Base

    My dad was a Amament Technician.

    Sylvia Ann Castillo (Greene) 3 boys
    Theresa Mary Castillo (Hernandez) 2 boys 1 girl
    Rebecca Lucille Castillo (Lowe) 1 boy 1 girl
    Thomas David Castillo
    Christina Louise Castillo (Grijalva) 1 boy 1 girl
    Adela Gloria Castillo ( Pierson) 2 girls
    Allen Mitchell Castillo ( Deceased in 1976) still a preteen
    Quintin Villareal Castillo Jr.
    Virginia Mae Castillo (Mendoza) 1 boy 2 girls

    My brother's were never married and none of them have children 6:51

  64. @tbd419 says:

    I love this and all it represents. It pops up in my feed randomly and I watch it again.

  65. This is so wholesome and beautiful.

  66. This is the diversity the trumpers want to get rid of.

  67. @warnergt says:

    That was awesome! Loved every minute!

  68. @Tedroy says:

    I'm bawling. This is so cool. That's the country I love.

  69. I agree with the dance off comment. Unfortunately, we've already seen how rump dances

  70. @vj8234 says:

    I guess when they're doing the cabbage patch they really think they're doing something. Can we say please come out of the '80s?

  71. What kind of butchery is this?

  72. depuis 7 ans je regarde cette vidéo de temps en temps, et c'est toujours un grand bonheur… merci

  73. The girl in the front left in the third video with her eyes always on the girl next to her <3, you can see she looks up to her

  74. moy-a rangpa so-ang wispa…hobartz

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