Cops, Firefighters, Soldiers, and Medics battle it out in this epic dance off. Who will win? Check out more at
Once seen, it can’t be unseen! Police officers, fire fighters, members of the military, and emergency medical technicians — all grooving to the beat, some better than others! Painstakingly gathered from public events, down times at the station, and oblivious private “shows,” this Eagle Eggs collection not only gives you a whole new perspective on Those That Serve, but pits them against each other in a fast-paced battle of the beat!
Homeland Security may be about protecting the public, battling blazes, administering critical aid, and protecting the shores of America…but it’s also all about da bass. Simply put, Errbody Dances! That’s right, everybody! As said by the famous CHDS philosopher, Gadicus Americanus, “Homeland security is about people security”. At Eagle Eggs we’re not really sure what this means but we do think this supports the notion that homeland security professionals are people too, and they know how to get down. They come from all walks of life and they each play a critical role in safeguarding our freedoms. Whether it is the firefighter responding to a burning building, the medic treating an Ebola patient, the police officer stopping a suspicious person, or the soldier delivering water to hurricane victims, they’re all a part of Homeland Security, and they’re all people. So as tensions rise during difficult times, just remember that those that live to protect others are still human. Like all of us, they sometimes ignore a text for days only to later reply that they just noticed it. They use the “view as” option on facebook just to see how their profile looks to their crush. And of course, they dance as if no one is looking!
View if you dare, and select your winners.
Soldiers hands down!
"Everybody report to the dance floor" LOL, I love these videos, I am a former Military Medic. Thanks to all for yere service.
Fire fighters win. With all that gear!?
chubby old cop can swing it !!!! go man go
That was so cool God bless all of you thank you so much for your service thank you thank you thank you
Smiling all the way through this.This is good and cute. ☺️
I say it's a tie. They are all hot. Especially the officer dancing at the end to the song "Come baby come". HOT.
This was nice to watch.
They all looked good but the Military WON!!!!!
Police officers: oh shoot I didn't want anyone to see that :/
Russians:"why is that man dancing on the battle feild"
Russian commander in charge:" doesn't matter shoot him!"
This guy: dodging bullets
These guys show there humanity and some of these guys are great dancers. Great video, loved it.
Love it.. soldiers
Awesome example of interdepartmental cooperation. Stay sage out there!
Got a huge problem here!!! Where are me n my fellow NURSES????
Y'all come to NC, we can whoop em all@@@@
Rap music? Seriously?
Sorry Guys you Medics need some lessons or more practice. As usual the Firefighters put out the FIRE
Who says law in Forcement can't be fun lol
It's close but I think the firefighters won.
I’m embarrassed to be in EMS after this but I love the camaraderie!
Don't I know that feeling.
The U.S. Military gonna be doing the Stanky leg on their enemies.
This is not a secret.
I said the fire people won, they've got some moves
The cop at the end of the video stunned me
Don't worry, the police and fire department are almost there!
The police and firefighters in question:
One of my favorite videos
Army's have amazing uniforms
How is this not a challenge in battle of the badges
I love how this went viral on Facebook literally over night
Come baby come
I love seeing cops, firefighters, EMTs, and military personnel let loose and just have a great time, dancing while enjoying life, it’s pure, something we need in this day and age
Who said deputies can't have a little fun while on duty.
Perché prima sono uomini ❤️
I love the video …
It is a TIE!!
That swhatsup
It has been proven that Dancing makes you feel better.Good job, for letting all of us know things are getting better.Wow.Keep Dancing doing good.
Love It !!!!❤
The soldiers showed everyone how it’s done
Is that noise called music ugh
Second bit is ok ish
Love them all❤
I can see my oldest son SGT. Richard Scarborough U.S. ARMY MEDIC/FIREFIGHTER/E.M.T. his crew & my youngest son CPL. WILLIAM SCARBOROUGH U.S.M.C. & his crew doing this as well!
It shows they are human.
The armed forces and firefighters should go AGT
love them too cool also sexy
come rescue me in canda any time sexy bitches
any single men want a lady 60
hope you get support and love and a pay raise
'where is the firefighter we need help before we burn alive"
There dancing"
firemen and the police both did a good job
So awesome
I love the police officers and firefighters ❤
The guy in front of the elevator is my choice. Yummy ❤
Soldiers and marines got that swag
MAGNIFICENT, I think the Firefighters are the best. They are dancing in al their gear which is extremely heavy.
Yeah I have responders
I am from NZ down under. many thanks for this. music and dance make a better world. :))) love to you all
Hahahahahalolz thank you so much for this made my day laughing. This is what I called "LIFE OUGHT TO BE" born to live it and enjoy. Stop aĺl the devils on earth. Start new challenge video soon y'all
They were all great, but the firefighters doing the thriller, takes the cake.
No man beats a man in uniform
the army wins
Firemen – Thriller
São incriveis, VIVA A VIDA
My favorite video of all time