
ASTERNAUTS – Award-winning Sci Fi Comedy Short Film [EN]

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Winner Best Film @ Columbia Film Festival, NY
Winner Best Cinematography @ HollyShorts Film Festival
Winner Best Screenplay @ Porto7 Int’l Short Film Festival
Winner Audience Award @ Cortópolis Int’l Short Film Festival
Winner Jury Prize for Excellence @ Boston Sci-Fi Film Fest
Winner Best Sci-Fi/Horror Audience Award @ Love Your Shorts Film Festival
Official Selection @ Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner, SXSW, Heartland Film Festival, DC Shorts, LA Femmes, Jerry Goldsmith Awards, Huesca Film Festival, Malta Film Festival, Hofer Filmtage, Molodist Film Festival, Bangkok Film Festival, Kurzfilmfestival Landshut, BuSho Budapest, Cannes Short Film Corner, and more (over 50 film festivals worldwide)

Life is pretty dull for small-town farmer Earl McKnutt and his childlike brother Joel: Wake up, feed the cows, and sit on the porch until it’s time to turn in. That is until one night a mysterious object from outer space crash-lands in their pasture killing their best bull and milking cow…

A MovieBrats & Sandbox Hero production
Directed by Marta Masferrer
Written by Raven Burnett
Produced by Alexander Weimer, Esther Friedrich, Marta Masferrer
Cast: Zenon Zeleniuch, Wray Crawford, Melissa D. Brown, Tina Balthazar
Cinematography: Xiaosu Han & Andreas Thalhammer
Production Design: Marcus LaPorte
Film Editing by Marta Masferrer
Music by: Adrian Sieber
Executive Producer: Marianne Walzer
Co-Producers: Paul Knaus, Chelsea Kujawa


  1. @gmon160 says:

    Looks like Frank from Mash

  2. @RaveYoda says:

    What a great short film!! <3 Really has charm and character that I just haven't felt from regular films in some time.

  3. I guess we is.

  4. Truth. We are astronauts

  5. OK. Different, that's for sure.

  6. Spoiler alert: Those werent government officials – they were aliens.

  7. I've been looking for this movie for several months so that I can watch it again. Love it!

  8. This would be a lot better if it was 16 minutes shorter.

  9. This is an outstanding film with a great story and, above all, fascinating actors.
    More of this please.

  10. This was so well done! Fantastic movie! It reminds me a little of Rooster Teeth. Please make more?

  11. Really well done. I genuinely enjoyed this.

  12. doing this for E012….can we just take a min and point out that this is better then some triple a producers i've seen put anything out since 2020 >.> (excluding disney)

  13. That was very sweet and endearing. ❤

  14. @gils1930 says:

    This is an absolute gem of a short film! Thank you so much for the posting!

  15. cute and on the other hand:
    Interesting article

    Defining Intelligence:

    going to get "letters" on this one:


    The odds of there being intelligent life in the universe is a safe bet – tell any gambler the odds and they will agree that there is at least a 51% chance.

    And if a race has developed viable space travel it’s a good bet they know about us and have been watching and studying us to determine if we are advanced enough for them to bother with..

    And watching as we go into our 21st century we still have hunger, inequality where money rules and a religion that makes it legal to behead people and the rest of the population that does not believe it’s alright to do so have done nothing about this barbarism have not outlawed the practice or fixed any of our other shortcomings.

    Now how intelligent is that… and that is not a question. (other religions: approximately 75% are not of that religion and out of that approximately 31% claim no religious beliefs.)

    And if you think you're in the right religion look up female apartheid and it would appear that we're not very mentally mature when we segregate by gender and it would appear that we're not very civilized enough to have another civilization come knocking on our door.

    And as to why they haven't shown themselves to us their reasoning would go along these lines:

    “Why declare ourselves to an inferior race that constantly makes war on themselves?

    We know how they will treat us and we don’t want the planet and we are evolved enough not to commit genocide nor do we want slaves.”

    They would reason the animals would be a better selection without have our greed and ego or our selfish “me” nature?

    There are ones out there that believe things that the majority of us do not, not that the majority is always right.

    Some believe the earth is flat.

    Some believe what politicians tell them when they only have their own interest at heart.

    Some believe in deities, whether you call it “religion or superstition” (they both have the same definition, the belief of something that cannot be proven).

    “Religion or superstition” diminishes a person because this takes the burden of responsibility from them and places this burden on an imagery entity.

    And now we are making robots that have absolutely no remorse for humans.

    The truth of the matter is until we master our greed and ego we're too lazy to look after ourselves, so we pay others to baby sit us expecting to get our money’s worth but that’s not working out – expecting them to be “fair” and to do what’s right for the whole is not working out because those people we hire are as greedy, egotistical and power hungry as we are and they have elevated themselves to a position of power and privilege.

    Humans do not “grow up”, we just get bigger toys – that’s it, that’s all, period.

    And the first sign of us not “growing up” is our lack of control over our ego, our greed and our temper are the big ones.

    We simply have to move on; it is long past due.

    GREED AND EGO no longer serve us and have become a hindrance for us to evolve as a species.

    It is said that the fastest way to make a person angry is to question their beliefs by telling them to prove them or to tell them they are wrong (same thing I guess).

    Greed and ego always get in the way and not until we change our mindset, will we have the capacity to rise above pettiness and discover a new respect, planet wide, for ourselves, and until that day we are fated to always be dominated whether we want it or not.

    Bottom line, we have to fix and grow out of this 'let someone else do it' attitude and until we develop a different mindset we won’t ‘grow up’, we just keep getting new and bigger toys with the same irresponsibility of a 4 year old.

    “…how many people starve to death each year…?

    “There is 400 trillion dollars' worth of wealth on the earth today, and the fact that 9 million people die from hunger every year… Shame on us.

    In the height of COVID, billionaires' net worth increase was $5.2 billion per day.

    At the same time 24,000 people die per day from hunger. Sep 24, 2021

    In 2023, global government expenditure for space programs hit a record of approximately 117 billion U.S. dollars. The United States Government spent around 73.2 billion U.S. dollars on its space programs in 2023, making it the country with the highest space expenditure in the world. Jun 28, 2024

    So the question is, "Why are some people dying from hunger every year?"

    Any one..???

    "My father told me once, he said, ‘If you see something wrong happening in the world, you can either do nothing, or you can do something’. And I already tried nothing."

    Steve Trevor, Wonder Woman (2017)

    So, do you really believe an alien race wants to "get to know us"

    If you were an alien race you would fly right by us..

    James Webb Telescope Just Detected First Alien Signal from Proxima B!

    The Ai Killer Robot Soldiers Fear…

  16. Gostei! muito bom!

  17. What a great little movie. Thank you.

  18. I had forgotten about this good one. They also remind me of Dale & Tucker. lol…”college kids!”

  19. @shizz1e79 says:

    Great job!!

  20. ponytails and Suits is scarier than little gray beings!

  21. @skiporbit says:

    Ok, that was pretty good.

  22. Boring, unoriginal, and complete waste of time.

  23. When the wife shits the bed and you kick your kids out of your house, we’ll get our own place and we’ll be hanging out and watching us YouTube channels and all this other shit and this reminds me of you and me right here

  24. @rhayat10 says:

    Depict rural White people as stupid or ignorant, and call it "funny."

  25. @Gibby8097 says:

    I love the Beetlejuice -esque musical score

  26. We have not been trained to respond to that.

  27. What a wonderful film! I’m going to see if there more with these two characters. I hope there is!

  28. Dumb hicks are soooo funny, lol. Until you need truly resourceful, honest folk to get you out of the impending global economic collapse.

  29. For all their newfound connectedness to the universe, Joel and Earl are out a young bull and a milking cow. Not exactly a fair trade in my book.
    Real farmers would have made DAMN SURE they would be compensated for the loss of their young bull and milking cow. Damn. Sure.

  30. @smky143 says:

    Save yourself 16:39 and just move along.

  31. @scribs01 says:

    That was a perfect short film.

  32. This pops up on my feed every so often and I enjoy watching it again every time.

  33. Alien race? so they are the same species as us?

  34. I love this film! Beautiful job!

  35. @norm5785 says:

    Very cool how he supported his brother

  36. I liked how McNutt owned that sieve helmut, it looked quite natural on him and he played it well!

  37. Loved that really clever movie ❤

  38. Nice little film, but please next time you are going to show the lives of “simple farmers “ find someone who grew up in rural America to consult. The scene with Earl trying to use a post pounder with the fence still attached to the post, screams nobody on set had ever fixed a fence. Otherwise very nicely done.

  39. Why did i just smell that fart

  40. Very strange, what was a cow doing with a bull at that time of night?
    Got to love our air open roof 500000mph +vortex run across the Galaxy 🙂

  41. My hat's off for the valiant effort, but sadly you didn't quite achieve the most reductive, insulting depiction of the American farmer ever. Still, you did Columbia proud!

  42. Comedy? What comedy?

  43. Comedy? What comedy?

  44. This was too long and wheres the comedy

  45. Me at 5:30 — File an insurance claim. 🙂

  46. @grene1955 says:

    Good production and acting, but I thought a comedy was supposed to be funny? And what's with the on screen dialog? Annoying…

  47. Such as simple, yet great story.

  48. @RideAMAP says:

    I would like to watch this but being forced to see the captions is stupid. I have ears and they work, just like 99% of the people on the planet.

  49. brotherly love

  50. Buckminster Fuller; Spaceship Earth. This was a very cool show, thank you.

  51. We're all aliens.
    Yes, we're all aliens.
    I'm not…

    Great short film, imaginative and inspiring. Fun, too. Loved Earl's speech.

    I've got me a new line when I don't know what to say.
    "I wasn't trained to respond to that."

  52. That was a small representation of the Big Bang, a lot was packed in there. At the end, though they were sitting in the dark, they became light.

  53. The music had a short motive from "Blake's 7" at 2:55

  54. Subtitles? Why?

  55. @kcren38 says:

    I loved this one! Well done!

  56. Idk why, but this one makes me tear up a bit. Awesome.

  57. Well..that’s 16 minutes of my life I will never get back

  58. @ft_nabeel says:

    Bruh how is this thing even funny?

  59. Absolutely wonderful. I need mant more of this quality to immerse myself into. Diane, using Joe's tablet

  60. I stoped it at 8 mins in. This is boring and horrible. Sorry for shittin on some elses work.

  61. "Your cooperation, though mandatory, is appreciated". Slayed it

  62. I am lost as to why this won an award – or is called a comedy….

  63. 2 guys, the right stuff

  64. 2nd time just as much fun.

  65. Damned aliens. They never take responsibility for their shite! Constantly destroying property and just walking away. Bastards!

  66. I just found this…BRILLIANT

  67. @maeve4686 says:

    What a sweet thoughtful movie…who were the retrieval crews ? Robots from another planet ? Plus, a salute to all of us who would love to meet "Paul" & go for a ride !

  68. Lord, what now, you are asking. Who do you mean by that?

  69. “We are not trained, to respond to that” left wing American Media

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