Bringing the analog, pixelated, CRT monitor effect from the most recent Texturelabs Photoshop tutorial into MOTION! Hope you brought your pickwhips.
Download the tiny pattern tile used in this video below – OR, skip the whole thing with and check out the nitro-boosted template version of this project.
Download the pattern tile / pick up the template here:
Check out the Texturelabs Channel for more content:
Insta, Facebook, Twitter tag: @texturelabs
What's the song that plays at the very beginning?
Guys, what is the music playing at the very beginning? Help to find. Shazam didn't help. 🙁
P.S. The tutorial is awesome.
will the template not work with AE 2020? since it says 2022+ on the site
This is INSANE. This tutorial is fantastic but I am def buying your template for this
Can I use the template on AE2020?
My new favorite e channel <3
Ahh, this is insane! Could you PLEASE do a more in-depth video breaking down the animation that you built in the beginning?!
You are essentially a digital media national treasure at this point.
This is the best thing i ever watched, thank you, man, deeply,
Great tutorial!
Hey, love your stuff! just bought it. how do you upscale the project though? it doesn't work for me for some reason… :/
sick dude, this this top tier content
Purchased the template to support, however when I change it to 60fps it changes to a different pattern from the one I chose despite still being selected. When trying to pick a different one it seems that multiple different patterns when selected share the same one and some just can't be changed to for example matrix, space invaders or neural network. How can I fix this?
how is your after effects moving so smoothly? what're your computer specs?
Awesome tutorial! Can't wait to add this feature into my final project for class 🙂
Woah crazy effect, superb job and tutorial! Is there any chance this could be done in DaVinci Resolve?
Awesome thank you
what a beautiful things!!
Is there other way to purchase the template? For some reason Gumroad keeps on declining my purchase.
can someone explain how he scripted the tint effect at 1:39 ? I tried myself it but couldn't get it to work 🙁
Superb, thank you very much!
Unreal transitions, you are an After Effects engineer, looks great!
The Template is free and the materials used too?
hello, i bought it yesterday, is there a config or something to export as png transparent alpha
hey! whats up, my name is santiago, im from argentina and i was amazed after i watched the advanced after effects tutorial on how to create the pixelate effect. i ending up boughting the template and it came with 4 expression errors. the first one says that there's an error on the line 5 in the property "scale" from the layer 4 ("pixelate – pattern anti-alias ON"). error on the effect denominated "mosaic" is missing or it do not exist. the second one is the same but for anti-alias OFF. the third one its in the line 30 "max horizontal displacement" from the layer 8 ("pixelate-displacement effect") the effect denominated "displacement map" is missing or it do not exist. this one is the one i am most worried about because when i insert my material below the 8th layer my material starts moving towards the left of the screen and i don't know how to fix that, i guess, like the program is telling me, that effect is missing and that's what's causing that. and the fourth one says error on the line 30 in the property "change center to" from the layer 5 ("pixelate – mosaic control"). error on the effect denominated "offset" is missing or it do not exist. that's it.
I was really hoping you could help me with that because it's an effort for me to buy this and that it came with bugs is a shame. thank you for everything and i expect your answer soon. have a great week!
Amazing technique, thanks for this!
Holy fuck I am learning SO MUCH
Super cool! Thanks!
This is one of the best tutorials I’ve ever seen. The final effect is neat, but your teaching style and effort put in to the video is phenomenal. Makes me feel how I felt when I was just starting out and watching Andrew Kramer tutorials.
Haha I i saw the PS video and immediately wanted to check out application for AE. You really have it all covered. Definitely worth the sub.
Thank you so much
You're continuously sharing your trade secret. Hat off to you, sir!
Where to buy plugins?
mind blown
When I try to click on the Pixelate – Displacement Reference layer like you at 4:05 it wont show the opacity so I'm not exactly sure what you're changing the opacity on. If you could offer some advice that would help me a ton. I've followed the tutorial exactly up until that point but past there I get lost because I'll try changing the opacity to 0 on a bunch on things but none of them do the same to the video as what you've done.
I would definitely buy the plugin if you release it! another awesome video man, appreciate the effort.
anyone knows how to achieve this effect, but keep colors of original footage
thanks man, but i alway got the syntax error when im try to connect the png file to the slider of the mosaic scale..
Is this something that could be ported to Davinci resolve?
did u do it?
Nice work!
great job with this, really easy to grasp a lot of techniques watching it through
Amazing work my brother!!
I want a tut on how you made the environment
thanks so much
i bought it but it tells me 16 files are missing and they are the patterns how do i fix that?
so you created an ascii renderer that's already widely available
You and Andrew Kramer are After Effects Wizards
Is there any option to make symbols change every frame on static shots? I have an object that moving in center of the scene and walls on the sides and now symbols just static. Is there any way to make them just change each other like we saw in original Matrix? @Texturelabs
Hey, I want to create a similar video for personal uses. What kind of material would I need to gather up even after buying your templates for photoshop and after effects?
I assume the video footage, but is there anything else?
Thank you so much bro, looking for this effect for a univ project <3
Hey! Just wondering if this has been turned into a plugin perchance?
such a good tutorial
Mind blowing
2024 plug-in comment.
Thanks for all of your tutorials and especially for this template. I put it to use a few times in this video:
you know your tutorials are good when people are using them to achieve similar effects in different software lol
my friend is doing GLSL shaders and im using Blender
Hey man, I bought your project file and it's awesome, being able to just build projects normally visually and then drop them in to the file to change them to this aesthetic is so convenient and they look amazing however, I wanted to change my animated stinger transition for OBS that has a transparent background where it fills the screen while the scene changes and then unfills it and this project file creates a black background that obviously the grain and glows bleed on to. Do you know a way to just apply the effects to the solid in my transition and leave the background empty or will it not be possible as the file requires a background to create the effect?
this is AMAZING! You're a great teacher!!
Great tutorial! What is the rationale behind Noise (adds high frequencies) > Blur (filters out high freqs) > Unsharp Mask (boosts high freqs)? Thank you!
I lov you, very good tutorial.
I just watched the tutorial for ps and thought to myself "It would be really cool to use the same effect in a video", and then I saw this video thumbnail… really loving your channel
I watched the Photoshop tutorial and thought, I have to do this on video, I bet you can in After Effects, and sure enough, here you are! Well played.
Can you do a tutorial on how to adjust all the effects for people that purchased it?
hi is there a way to add more color than just these 3 tones ?
I didn't even need the Photoshop tutorial. I've been looking for an effect like this for my Cyberpunk interface project. Thanks so much for this!
Why in the future do displays always get worse? we have 16K now. I mean wth?
I need more one like for you
( Thanks very Much × 10^100 ) and more ♥
Do we have it in easy way ?
great tutorial!!
Rewatching this video a year later after I have some more skill in AE. Still blows my mind that people can figure out how to build these effects by scratch. This is one of my favorite channels on YT and i check in frequently for new uploads.
I'm a motion graphic artist with more than 5 years using After Effects and these are probably the best tutorials I have seen on Youtube. You sir are a complete master!
Thank you so much for the tutorial. And I always wonder how people can learn after effect so deeply and know so many principles and expressions. And I am always like a beginner who need to learn these tutorials in YouTube… I just wonder why… Is there any ways to upgrade our after effect skills?
Absolute genius! Thank you so much!
thanks for your incredible work and for sharing your knowledge.
the work you're doing here is simply amazing! those 5$ for the template file is insane compared to the cost of most plugins out there. thank you for everything!
Video was spot on, not just you telling what to do but actually explaining what is going on. Also just when i thought why not use motion tile you actually explained why not. Absolutely amazing tutorial.
make. it. a. plugin.
No offense but I was so entertained by what you were doing I don’t think I’d ever choose to buy the effect
did you ever make this into a plugin?
Has anyone made this In fusion?
How can I do this in illustrator?
PS Arbitrary Map…………………………………………………………….
like how on EARTH do you find something like that hahahahaha
at 17:18 you click on the preview panel and it opens
how do you make it do that? my preview panel can only be viewed either on open state or full screen and no matter what settings i choose it won't do this
Yo what specs would you recommend getting for this kinda work (ae + premiere + plugins, presets and effects)? Im upgrading my macbook and I want the M4 max but I'm not sure if 36gb RAM is enough. The other option would be getting M3 max with higher ram/ssd. Thoughts? I definitely want it to be future proof.
Am I the only one who cant get the pixels to align properly?