#starwars #starwarsthephantommenace #aivideogeneration #aivideogenerator #aitrailer #aimovie #movie #ai #fyp #film #stablediffusion
#superpanavision #superpanavision70 #vintage
Watch my full 1950s playlist here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDJm0iBKwurozOqFfnxywThiDRGNQMoN3&si=PQP8AZYdj_zJ5e84
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace – 1950s Super Panavision 70 style made with #runway #runwaygen3 #midjourney #elevenlabs #chatgpt #vintage #1950s #50s #superpanavision
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0:32 Orson Welles…
The Porn Menace.
This is garbage.
Darth mauls only one that looks normal..lol
And this is how episodes 1-3 will be remembered.
This is kind of shit.
Your getting a thumbs up just cause thumbnail is sexxy
looks infinitely better than the actual can of crap film
Doesn't super PanaVision mean this should be like 70mm or a
Something.. But it's clearly 16×9 aspect ratio
Padme is looking good for Ai
She's not going to move among her people in secret dressed like that!
Amadala wasn’t doing much hiding in this version!
We’re killing the environment for this bullshit
It's better than the actual movie,..
Amazing. Maul has a green light saber at the end, and Anakin looks just like a young Mark Hamill…. Zero mention of podracers….would be sick to see how AI does that…
No hate – it looks great but for once the original is actually better.
Was that Master Yoda or Piccolo from Dragon Ball Z? either way, I'm here for that Clone Trooper at the end from Naboob.
Oh Porky the boys from Angel beach are here.
its the bouncing boobies with the tight white outfit for me
Padmie walks about her people un-noticed, meanwhile Boomers feel the Force Rising.
I actually loved the way this looked and some of thr character redesigns, especially anakins look, he actually looks like Luke's father.
Stupid AI voice
The first 25 seconds is all you need to watch.
Except women didnt dress like that in the 50s but i wish they did…
Hmmm. Obi Wan looked like Orson Welles.
Its getring there.
No padding on padme!
This stuff is getting scary real. Imagine entire movie written by AI in 10 years. I predict Jesus will come back before then since we'll destroy ourselves first if not saved.
Ai is freaking weird
There are two things AI did really well.
Young obi wan looks 44
The fact that nobody is blinking is really scary !
Why are the blades of Maul's lightsaber like 20 feet long…?
What 1950's movies are these AI creators referencing for the women?
There was never this much cleavage in 50s films.
Calm down guys
Creepy and weird
Damn im about to use the force
Looks like a lot porno
I guess when you go for a job interview and they ask you what is your skill set in 3D animation you will tell them AI. Do you know anything about 3D modelling and animation? Another low quality production as an example of how AI will make humans more stupid.
Orson Welles as Obi Wan.
2:31 SIT ON MY FACE !!!!!!
Is this a joke?or is there a 100% AI remake of the star wars saga in the making.
In a future where all movies are custom-made for you in a day or minutes with a.I. and A.i. voices.
This video is proof AI will never replace good old human creativity, it's actually kind of comforting.
obi older than quigon by the looks of it?
Lovely video but that AI generated voice is f**** everywhere and I FUCKING HATE IT
2:32 timestamp Amidala sure doesn’t look like she’s “moving among her people in SECRET!” Infact that outfit she’s wearing would more likely attract a lot of attention (unless their version of woke culture has succeeded to get rid of most of the testosterone levels in this galaxy!!!)
Hello fellow men of culture
Never occurred to me that AI could produce something I could fap to until now.
This looks pretty cool. I'd like to see AI versions of the prequels on what they would look like from 1977-1983.
2:40 they don't scare me.
Rey in here like wtf lol
Why is every video about Episode I better than movie itself? LOL. Love this!
Whatever AI they used for this, the programmers needs a very long cold shower and a wank before doing hte next one
That thumbnail lady us fkn fine as hell
That was lame.
1:15 That is so clearly Ralph Fiennes.
This should have been the fillm
Ai sucks !
AI will destroy movies as we know them.
My channel is locked and stopped at 2:35. I’m not sure to get it going. Must be a glitch.
Is Obi-Wan Orson welles?
I just noticed that the background music is actually The Rise of the Valkyrie.
I didn't know Amidala was a member of the house of the ninth…!
Bette than the trash that was the actual movie.
I've never seen women as scantily clad as that in a 1950s movie. Very clickbaity.
More 1960s than 50s.
I give it a thumbs up, she gave it a camels toe
My gosh, that girl at 01:05 is hot ❤
Wagner really sells this
I guess Padme is a hot cougar woman. Anakin is a lucky kid!
I love how Anakin looks like Mark Hamell, but why does Padme look like Daisy Ridley?
Now do it with JW music
Obi-Wan Kenobi played by Orson Wells 0:32
This AI nonsense needs to stop
Everyone's face wasn't quite right but darth maul was spot on
These video look so hollow earth
Is it bad that this is about 3x better than the actual movie?
#FireKathleenKennedy …. Enough is enough and its time for a change
Orson Wells as Obi-Wan! And Padme "hiding out" by burning down every room she walks into, vava-voom!
Maul with a green lightsaber?? That's just weird bro.
better than the actual Phantom Menace, but the premise is still ridiculous… there’s no overcoming stupid.