Eternal Dawn is an anticipative short documentary painting the story of humankind exploring our universe after discovering the secret to eternal youth.
“Eternal Dawn” by Tom Serin & Thibault Fotré
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Director’s Statement:
Science is often disliked by young people. Yet, the great minds of humanity gave us science so that we could dream. We really wanted to use it to write this film. AI and new technologies open up new horizons where immortality, or at least the extension of human life, is an extremely serious topic. We were eager to share our vision of a world where aging is no longer a problem. Space travel would then be completely transformed, and humanity could finally set out to conquer our galaxy.
“Eternal Dawn” Credits:
Director & Writer : Tom Serin & Thibault Fotré
Lead 3D Artist : Thomas Hubert
3D Environments :
Chiara Guedon
Anton Gruschy
Léo Bouyer
Dimitri Zordan
Mathis Malvaud
Matteo Betat
Nathanaël Duminil
Pierre Buissiere-Pacard
Eliott Delahaye-Boigontier
Tom Serin
Thibault Fotré
Frédéric Swiderski
Anne Fotre
Selma Benbrahim
Thibault Fotré
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Hey Everyone! Thibault, the co-director here. Thank you for watching Eternal Dawn!
We are documentary film makers with Tom and on our last year of school, we decided to make a 3d fictional documentary. We had 7 days to make it all happen, so we wanted to thank, from the bottom of our heart, all the team behind this film. They are all students but none had experience in 3d.
This was a beautiful challenge made possible by Thomas, our 3d teacher and unreal freelance artist.
Thank you also to Sergey Azbel for his incredible tracks and kindness.
I'd love to answer any questions you may have about the making of Eternal Dawn !
(Yes, we are science weirdos)
The first immortal humans may already live among us.
Immortality is no guarantee of wisdom.
Fantastic !
And every night I try to be on board one of these ships, traveling to another corner of the galaxy …
The background music is loud and distracting
Great CGI.
Fantasy is wonderful. However, the human brain has not evolved psychologically to accommodate such long lives.
I don't think it's meaningful to live so many years. It's in a simple life where the human brain finds happiness.
Lively images narrated by lifeless voice.
Imagine the procrastination you could do.
Wooow.. I loved it! Thanks for your work!
Wonderful film! That narrator was seriously 'creepy' looking! Sometimes the lip movements didn't exactly match the spoken words, but who's going to nit pick at that? Me? uhhh, yeah, I suppose so… in spite of, still, so good!
one of the best-executed DUST films i've seen so far. presentation, script, visuals, musical score, all worked flawlessly together. nicely done!
that said, though . . . .
i am not convinced that the two major scientific hurdles that form the basis of this narrative are ones that can be "cleared" in a practical sense. fully rejuvenative biotech and "dark matter"/gravity manipulation both seem wildly speculative to me, and i very much doubt their technological inevitability. but, of course, i could be totally wrong on either count, or both.
furthermore, the potential moral implications of such feats are far-reaching. Homo homini lupus est. while the high-minded pro-humanist undercurrent is nice to see (and to desire, even), i struggle to see a future where differing ideologies/worldviews/belief structures DO NOT come into conflict. the scale and scope of suffering and destruction involving warfare based upon and informed by these two titanic scientific achievements beggars comprehension. death and war have ever been constants in the collective human experience; i do agree with the premise (though out of context) put forth here — "We became something else."
i have lived a good life, so far, and am probably halfway through my time, barring disaster. i am very sure that i don't want 71,000 years under my belt. but, then, i'm not a materialist — i believe in God. that conviction i hold carries with it not only the expectation of mortality, but a gladness in it.
grow. learn. explore. challenge.
but simply existing while awaiting the heat death of the universe?? count me out.
thanks again for making this terrific video! have a great day, people!!
Man what would I give to not age and live forever.
Shame about the OTT music
I don't want this to end
Very well done in that the technology and resulting philosophy are conceivably possible.
Now this is good Sci Fi
gave me goosebumps the whole way! honestly hope this lays somewhere in the future for humanity
Good stuff!
very very well done!
What an awesome movie! And made in just 7 days is unbelievable. Congrats and great jobs guys 🙂
But I learned this millennia ago I’m just waiting for man to move forward enough
you know the thing is all the ancient wisdoms from the oldest text seem to say that what ever it was that created us – set eternity into our hearts – which means our souls are older than eternity and infinity and have always existed as part of something – we know not what = I see that we in this existence now have fragmented and are as raindrops from the same ocean – and we do our various raindrop things but at the end of all of it we return to the same ocean = and we do this many times – it is not quite eternal reoccurrence or reincarnation or reincarceration – but if we are forever – what would 100000 years of life even mean – there are red dwarf starts that came into existence when the big bang happened and those red dwarf stars will still be there when earth is eaten by our sun – so the universe apparently is selective in the delegation of time allotted to all things.
perhaps when we are back in the spirit form, we have a memory – of the whole thing – but really if you think about that with the soul – it doesn't even matter. the things we take forward are of the soul – the karma – we do not take thoughts and memories of words or people, and our own names are meaningless – just a bookmark – like a social security number that in reality is vague and worthless – any place else in all of existence.
Simply, an amazing story.
It's certainly true that we'll never advance as a species if we all live such short lives. All things learned and wisdom we collect is wasted, as we die and the next generation of ignorants are born.
I do not want to live that long – I want to meet God
It seems the
Humans are gone
and they left behind
a legacy of
Virtual beings.
These Virtual beings
have created a
harmonious Universe
in the 'Wake' of Mankind.
Music is too late to hear what he's saying half the time!
The music crescendos were terrible, annoying, ruined the ambiance. Fix that, but the graphics are STUNNING!
Now, that was smart, and beautiful
The future of humanity is living in the virtual world where the limitations of known physics won't exist. Our fleshy bodies will be stored in a tube while our brains are connected to a central server….in fact, the admin or user of this reality is probably in that tube right now…and we are all just NPCs in that creature's universe.
Not bad. well done.
We never learn…the best is gifted!❤
Music pleeeeeaaaaseeeee
The film is well written and beautifully rendered. I like that you chose to create a fictional future settings to explore human character and pose a timeless question. Well done!
I enjoyed this one, thanks!
makes you think
This was amazing. Truly.
These meta human animations were a disgrace for the rest. I see why you tried to hide it with plenty of shadow.
It has been awhile since i viewed any Dust videos. I picked a good one here!!
Outside of the CGI "characters" that I'm not a fan of, this was a well done short.
Wow! Goose bumps!
The very first narrator has a Austrian sounding accent. Am i right here?
Spending thousands of years as an old man seems like hell!
Are you sure that you wanna keep a species alive for thousands of years that needs to have a label on a bleach bottle ; Do not drink?
very well done on a bunch of levels – thanks
Cool visuals and much respect for the effort put in to this project, but the script sounds like ai-genned gibberish.
Truly truly amazing.
Never happen,until greed is gone.
Read an interesting paper in a magazine many years ago about humanity living extremely long lives and what that could mean for humans. One of the interesting premises was that individuals might not live more than a 1000 years, simply because that the longer you live the more chances you have of a life ending accident or event.
Very well made, really enjoyed watching this.
Technology is connected to the laws of morality.
I have dreamed of the stars all my life and watched hours of sci fi and read acres of writings, this?
This was unreal good!!
Spectacularly provocative and enlightening!!
Thank you
Finally something decent and worth watching on this channel.
Great im just a little irretated at this – we would like to live shorter thing – the wonders the loves the things.. why should we go back… from this.
Come on you apes, do you want to live forever?!
Sequel please!
I love DUST
The characters look so bad haha
When you think how far we have come in just a few thousand years, and how far we still have to go…..
No Time,no Space,only our imagination!
Impressive story and deep meaning
Dont get me wrong.. it looks nice, but, i dont know if they expect more and yet say ai is bad but thats what they want to see.. Its very confusing.. I liked it greatly.
Even if humanity were to achieve immortality, being as we are, only rich and powerful will ever get it, so they can rule and be rich forever.
And with immortality, what would be the point of having babies? Or literally do anything else than just… live?
It´s the time limit we have, that motivates us to do things in our lives.
That was really cool.
I thought he said Eternal Youth…..Why does he look old then???
That was facinating! Mind bender for sure.
Far from being incompatible? very odd phrasing there.
This video was great. Thank you.
Wow .just wow
Very huge Short you made there.
This is the dream to be reality in the somewhat near future. I hope to see it and be a part.
70k years just to labor 8-9 hours a day forever, no thanks, would blow my brains out.
CGI & A.I. DUH!!!
I hate when they do that with the stars. Space is mostly empty. But the A.I. people were great.
Looks like they used the starfield engine to make this. I don’t care for animated short films.
This is so cool
We humans would turn eternal youth into a nightmare for most. Imagine never being allowed to retire. To work your entire life as more and more of your production is taken by the ever growing greed of multi trillionaires who will never die. Whose influence forever grows until only a handful of them own everything, control everything, and you have no rights to anything, no wealth, no say, no way up, no way out. Eternal slaves to a system that treats you with less rights than livestock.
If you want a utopian future, you need to eliminate the need to trade our time and effort for resources necessary for survival.
Love the "old sage telling a tale" vibes. Especially when coupled with a cool scifi story.