
Sci-Fi Short Film “Toonocalypse” | DUST

Two students document the arrival of cute, cartoon aliens in Edinburgh, but after a year on Earth, the pair discover the true intention of the aliens visit.

“Toonocalypse” by Owen Rixon

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  1. Bloody brilliant!!!!! Well done…

  2. @LindaB651 says:

    I'm absolutely blown away by this; funny, creative, scary, and silly, all perfectly blended into an improbable tale!

  3. @unriooo says:

    ajajaj muy buena merece un largometraje

  4. Do you think that’s how Wenlock and Mandeville were created for the 2012 London Olympic Games. I don’t remember that bit of invasion, but heck it was in Scotland, so who really cared?

  5. Ok, now I want to know what the aliens end game is. What's the next stage? Are they toons too or is this just a weapon system. Colonization?

  6. Really creative short film!

  7. Tis how it should be…

  8. Well, that was fun!!

  9. @nikki.666 says:

    This was AWESOME!!!!!!!

  10. That was very well put together wish something like that could have been a couple hours

  11. @Hochmann2 says:

    That was EXCELLENT! Congratulations to the creators and to Dust for sharing.

  12. This is hilariously terrifying.

  13. @Trench777 says:

    I enjoyed that. Thank you.

  14. Absolutely enjoyed this one.

  15. Best time for the mushrooms to kick in.

  16. @joeyj6808 says:

    Well…as long as everybody's happy…

  17. Fun and weird. Thanks.

  18. @mah7961 says:

    There’s a little bit of toon in all of us.

  19. dude this is an old video that I remember from years back ,,,, still good

  20. That opening scene gave me MIB flashbacks

  21. No … I mean, come on now guys … nobody would pay to watch this. It's quite hard, to even watch these 18 minutes for free. It is creative, it is original, it is adorable but no …

  22. It's awesome that you're bringing the older creations to YouTube. I clicked on this thinking it was a continuation of the original. I love everything you do.

  23. @WillDraco says:

    Where's The Doctor when you need him?

  24. I expected this to be boring but it was a watch from go to whoa. Excellent effects, funny story and concept. Youse should be proud of yourselves.

  25. Really well done. It definitely takes a turn that was expected & unexpected at the same time. I enjoyed this and hope the creators make more.

  26. This felt like it could so easily have been a Doctor Who episode.

  27. Hm,i see where this is going.

  28. one of the best so far

  29. This has got to be the best possible world-ending scenario.

  30. Pretty original.

  31. Not bad at all.

  32. Is this a repost I remember seeing this years ago here.

  33. Я надеюсь, что эти два мужика не пидоры, поселив двух пришельцев, словно имея желание завести детей! Осуждаю!
    Но идея подачи ролика неплохая.

  34. Truly original idea.

  35. lol, what an invasion. Somebody get "The Dip."

  36. This was awesome! A real breath of fresh air for sci fi shorts

  37. This was awesome!!!!!!

  38. This is a classic

  39. Suffer not the Xeno to live.

    Oh, looks like you did…

    -40k dude.

  40. That was cool

  41. Hasn't this already been posted here?

  42. @Failte630 says:

    Very funny and entertaining. Thanks.

  43. @ormanay says:

    We can only hope the batteries will last long enough to learn the truth.

  44. @gtc262 says:

    Fantastic, made me think of a very over looked great film called Cool World with a young Brad Pitt

  45. The perfect biological weapon.

  46. Now THAT was entertaining!

  47. Absolutely amazing

  48. Wait a minute I remember this stuff a long time ago

  49. @SMunro says:

    That was… Damn.

  50. @goemboeck says:

    Any life-form that wipes out humankind is the good guy of the story.

  51. 18 minutes of my life I'll never get back.

  52. If some of the toons used to be human , what about the toons that arrived ? What species might the et toons be ?

  53. @ender8124 says:

    Michael is the type of character to say all the serial killer needs is a home cooked meal then take him home

  54. This is made years ago. Just a repost.

  55. You all do understand that Dust is a distribution platfor and that many of these films are not created or producwd by Dust but licensed by them as part of slates?

  56. I thought it was a sci fit film about the end of Newcastle.

  57. @rifamycin says:

    This was really good.

  58. Somebody get the Dip!

  59. Delightful and well made. Top notch short.

  60. So is this before or after space jam?

  61. Thank you!!!

  62. The creator definitely dabbles

  63. im not high enough for this

  64. @acmelka says:

    Something like this happened to my cousin, 'cept for the cartoons n that

  65. @Luciphell says:

    What is the difference between this one and the version they released seven years ago?

  66. District 9 meets Doctor Who meets Cartoon Channel meets Cloverfield.

  67. @milesy35 says:

    Going to have nightmares after watching that but it was worth it. Great stuff.

  68. Nothing a little turpentine, acetone, and benzine can't fix.

  69. That was really FUN, Thank You!!!

  70. They should be made for theaters

  71. @TayWoode says:

    I had a case of deja vu watching this, I’m sure I’ve seen it a long time ago

  72. This was surprisingly very interesting! This could either be turned into a TV series or a new videogame premise.

  73. Most realistic thing is the battery running out just as something happened

  74. wtf, what was this type of film called again

  75. Well that's visually annoying

  76. This is how Toonworld in Yu-Gi-Oh started! Trapping them in the game was how that outbreak was controlled!

  77. [Planet Earth Lost] [Activation of Protocol Exterminatus]

  78. That was very good. Thanks

  79. @MrJgbc says:

    Exterminatus it is then.

  80. @albo9246 says:

    Truly brilliant. In need of a franchise and potential tv series.

  81. Scared me made me giggle very well made !

  82. That was all kinds of cool. Bravo!

  83. This is out of this world. Toontastic

  84. “That’s all folks”

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