
This teacher-student dance battle is a good reminder not to test your teachers

Mrs. Laurie has some moves!


  1. @Yak954FL says:

    Love the teacher❤

  2. Teacher got moves better than me

  3. Love it ❤❤❤❤

  4. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  5. That kid has powered up to his lil uzi vert skills

  6. Bruh what did I just see

  7. Wow that could dance

  8. ❤❤❤❤❤

  9. Does anyone know the music clip at the beginning? it has a nice vibe to it! I'm not talking about the Veggie Dance!

  10. @ManiElisa says:

    I feel like teachers win bc they make it look funny and also cuzz their a bit older (no hate to the person who made this and teachers)

  11. The boy said some Side eye…….

  12. Did see that the teaches grippers are showing

  13. Cute, please wear a bra. Thank you

  14. Damn only cool teachers i ever kindergartener teacher 5th grade main teacher and my high. School art teacher and high school wood shop teacher and my highschool biology teacher

  15. Bless her heart ❤

  16. She killed it!!! Lol

  17. I'm not sure if this teacher truly understands the lasting of a lifetime this memory the kids will have this is so incredibly heartwarming ❤❤❤

  18. Good job great dance ❤

  19. All I cud is is laugh ..I like her

  20. Only thing I noticed was her hanging boobs .Where is her bra?

  21. That is good to see them having a good time

  22. ❤❤❤❤❤ you go teacher you go amazing so proud of you do your thing

  23. She need some veggies

  24. She's really good

  25. Nice one coach x

  26. Teach needs a bra an gurdle. Just saying

  27. The kids face

  28. She is probably the best teacher in school. Kids can relate to her

  29. ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  30. @ellen1009 says:

    Go teacher!❤

  31. Nothing new under the sun

  32. Surprise?????? Hell yeah……..

  33. I’ll gme you prof

  34. She need a bra dude

  35. The side eye

  36. wonderful dancing

  37. The teacher is a better dancer❤❤❤❤❤


  39. Who taught him the side eye or whose behavior is he modeling?

  40. boy really looked brutha ughhh

  41. Sooo freaking cute.

  42. @Rexi-888 says:

    I love thissss!!!

  43. Best dance off I have seen. Teacher deserves an award❤❤

  44. ❤this video awesome

  45. It's good to see this instead of students disrespecting the Teachers.

  46. Give me a picture of this good but the teacher did better

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