1st Overall
Junior Elite Starz Jazz Duet
Dancers: Ambrielle Besler and BriElle Geisler
Choreography: Kylie Goedken
Rainbow Davenport 2021
CarmoDance brings you the best competition dancers and dance content from around the country and more!
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CarmoDance Designs: https://www.instagram.com/carmodancedesigns/
If you are a parent, dancer, choreographer or studio owner and want your video taken down, please email carmodance@gmail.com and I will promptly remove it!
Super was die drauf haben
Trop douée les petites minettes , félicitations ❤
Very cute girls, perfect dancing.❤
Super Sportlerinnen
Wow is a maravilhous
I am a dancer and that is amazing
Mais avec la tete qui tien toute seule
reminds be of a dance i had when i was 6 lmfao
Dancem dancem ❤❤❤❤
I hope they won.
I was looking at dances and im doing this song for my recital in June lol!
That is very good and also I do dancing at Jamaica House Basic School with. I can’t do all the girls with that you did.
good job girls
Kidnap one ponytail girl your ponytail to me and your earring in your clothes top and bottom I got new clothes Okay Jesse see you in My dream O Okay Jesse see you in R dream Okay bye-bye Ponytail girl
These are my favourite girls
Amazing, love them.
Black pink black pink μόνο
Amazing little girl!!! I hope adults could do like her. It doesn't matter how you feel but responsible should come first!!!
A little party never kill no body
What song
Wow this girls look so cute
They're so good! They do full on backflips so yes its competitive!
Waouh super fort en plus ils font tout en même temps je trouve ça waouh
I am the best dancer in the world and we will win the lottery this month.
I watched it like three million time in a row
Go girl go
They are wearing crop tops and they look like twins
The sasss killed me
wow amazing
So amazing I can’t believe they can do that all
That was the BEST dance routine I have ever seen! Keep up the great work! They were perfectly in sync!!! I wish I could do that! Im in a dance class myself, and even I can't even do that, neither can my peers! (no ofense to them tho)
❤grate job girls r you all still ❤️
Crazy good, i am speechless.
I really wish to come to your dance competition
I ❤ it
I wonder if he can do a back tuck but twisting it because I can get on the jump link when I’m seven
Center of gravity is different when your an adult
Very talented those girls
Same can I lol
This is so good
Aka the one that comes on the stage first
omg I js came across this vid and that’s me on the audiences right!! 1:35
Good job!
I want a twin
Wow so amazing
I wish I could do that
They slayed it
Wow I’ve been dancing for 19 years I can’t do that
I competed there
I love dance I do it it is so fun!
I love you,girl
i lvoe
I can do all of these moves
It was perfect
How do they looked literally exact the exact same so lol
No way! I was there watching you perform!
I los mejores ❤
so fun!!!! it shows they are having fun doing this and not just dancing!
Like this comment if you're a gymnast
I’m a dancer ❤