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The Gates of Zadash | Critical Role: THE MIGHTY NEIN | Episode 8

The group decides upon a name and leaves Alfield, heading back on the open road to Zadash… though not without having to deal with the dangers of the road.

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Thanks to @CRTranscript and all the critters for closed captions!


  1. @c4su4l says:

    Pretty sure Liam trying to take control of all the items under the guise of "identifying them for the party" and then slowly, reluctantly being forced to give up each item one by one and then crying about it is the most pathetic thing he's done so far over the first 2 campaigns. Completely cringe.

  2. haven't heard this audio in forever lol

  3. TRAVIS, I love ya man haha, @22:15 he had the same look I'd have towards matt at that moment xD

  4. @w.4188 says:

    **SPOILER for C3**

    I want to say that around the 3:16:38 mark, Marisha says "500 hours later, we are fighting Gods with him" in regards to Pumat Sol, and in Campaign 3, Ep 95, they meet him again and they are – in fact – fighting gods and using items to do it that they buy from Pumat Sol.

  5. 1:17:01 just saving this for later and for people who want a laugh again.

  6. Thanks to CWAL for making these
    0:56 Furry mayo
    6:35 BABY
    Recap 10:08
    Game start 12:45
    16:38 Goggles
    21:47 Cute Nott and Caleb Moment
    31:59 Snap!
    43:31 Jester and the Traveler
    50:33 Nott is the best
    58:58 Unsaid agreement
    1:03:19 Naming of the Mighty Nein
    1:08:20 YET
    1:11:56 He really should've changed his hair… (And Fjord's surname)
    1:26:15 Child bearing age
    Break start 1:31:1
    Art start 1:39:54
    Break end 1:48:35
    2:00:22 Bandit time
    2:04:31 Extreme syphillis
    2:23:26 Caleb no- (Also Liam is dedicated, holy fucktarts)
    2:28:59 Caleb has issues
    2:48:09 Watches and Zemnian
    3:12:13 PUMAT (Also clean Caleb)
    Moar art 3:34:19

  7. I know Gilmore is a favorite for many, but Pumat is mine. Possibly my favorite character period, player or otherwise.

  8. I wish Laura would’ve said in Jester’s voice “my mom is a hooker” I feel like that would’ve just been perfect

  9. Beau is still acting like a cop, which makes her character extremely unlikeable

  10. Laura and Travis successfully escape the hell that is modern dating and love. So glad for them

  11. One of those episodes where it kinda feels disjointed somehow. Like the team aren't on the same page quite. But I guess it happens from time to time, they're still sensational to watch usually 😛

  12. 3:16:40 "500 hours later and we're fighting gods with him."

  13. Liam’s high pitched laugh makes me weak in the knees every time

  14. Ah yes. The first appearance of the Worst Bandits Ever

  15. Late watcher here but it had to be said. Thank Goodness someone told Liam to make his German accent more pronounced, the first couple episodes it was just Vax

  16. 10:05 Game starts

    15:35 Something for everyone’s collection

    23:55 Dick in a book

    33:40 This wand was made for Jester

    37:00 Caleb must defend his stench

    44:00 Sad Jester is sad

    1:03:55 Dramatic name reveal and spelling

    1:08:20 They have big plans for that cart

    1:10:45 Song of Dumas

    1:13:35 Fjord’s last name breaks Matt

    1:17:30 Jester is probably not a Shorthalt

    1:25:20 Jester has realistic expectations

    1:27:20 Marisha IRL injures herself

    1:49:00 Break Ends, cold open

    2:04:30 XTREME STD’s

    2:07:35 Counterattack

    2:18:15 Molly’s leadership workshop

    2:48:10 C’mon Liam, it’s 835

    2:50:05 Stacked insight checks

    3:12:15 Pumat Sol

    3:16:55 Even more Pumat Sol

    3:21:30 Pumat Sol is what this episode is all about

    3:27:00 Pumat Sol is love, Pumat Sol is life

  17. 17:23 Beau looks like a nerd

  18. Place your bets everyone…. For the upcoming Mighty Nein animated series…
    How long will Mollymauk last for? 1 season, 2 season, or 1.5 seasons?

  19. @Kasino80 says:

    Those episodes where Travis can't speak from laughing are the best.

  20. Jester smelling the ear jar four times is so funny

  21. Bro I woke up to to this

  22. Poomatzel is thus far my favorite NPC.

  23. Nott: "Are we sure we want to leave this place? People like us here."
    Jester: "It's only a matter of time before they don't."
    Beau: cracking up in the background
    Molly: "It's like you were born in the circus. I'm so impressed."

  24. @GameCah says:


  25. Every time you think youve found the best Matt NPC, you get to the next episode, and find another

  26. This video was so well-organized and clear.

  27. @gribthor says:

    im really late to this, but im paused at 48:50 and the subtitle says toordolbo, so im gonna guess bloodroot.

  28. 0:56 Furry mayo

    6:35 BABY

    Recap 10:08

    Game start 12:45

    16:38 Goggles

    21:47 Cute Nott and Caleb Moment

    31:59 Snap!

    43:31 Jester and the Traveler

    50:33 Nott is the best

    58:58 Unsaid agreement

    1:03:19 Naming of the Mighty Nein

    1:08:20 YET

    1:11:56 He really should've changed his hair… (And Fjord's surname)

    1:26:15 Child bearing age

    Break start 1:31:10

    Art start 1:39:54

    Break end 1:48:35

    2:00:22 Bandit time

    2:04:31 Extreme syphillis

    2:23:26 Caleb no- (Also Liam is dedicated, holy fucktarts)

    2:28:59 Caleb has issues

    2:48:09 Watches and Zemnian

    3:12:13 PUMAT (Also clean Caleb)

    Moar art 3:34:19

  29. love how the pumats also have canadian accents just to emphasize how nonthreatening they are

  30. 2024 to the top!

    0:55 Sam mayo story

    3:05 Matt knows names

    6:35 Laura has been glowing more than usual

    10:05 Game starts

    15:35 Something for everyone’s collection

    23:55 Dick in a book

    33:40 This wand was made for Jester

    37:00 Caleb must defend his stench

    44:00 Sad Jester is sad

    1:03:55 Dramatic name reveal and spelling

    1:08:20 They have big plans for that cart

    1:10:45 Song of Dumas

    1:13:35 Fjord’s last name breaks Matt

    1:17:30 Jester is probably not a Shorthalt

    1:25:20 Jester has realistic expectations

    1:27:20 Marisha IRL injures herself

    1:33:05 Break Starts

    1:39:45 Art Montage

    1:49:00 Break Ends, cold open

    2:04:30 XTREME STD’s

    2:07:35 Counterattack

    2:18:15 Molly’s leadership workshop

    2:48:10 C’mon Liam, it’s 835

    2:50:05 Stacked insight checks

    3:12:15 Pumat Sol

    3:16:55 Even more Pumat Sol

    3:21:30 Pumat Sol is what this episode is all about

    3:27:00 Pumat Sol is love, Pumat Sol is life

  31. @vispiguel says:

    2:29:21 oh god… I'm rewatching and that caught me off guard

  32. 1:20:50 – Jester's Prank

  33. Matt cuts off the conversation before Jester can say her dad's name…he also cut off the last name of an NPC the other episode (the "i can't read the handwriting" bit)…I'm starting to get very suspicioussss

  34. @Sentryole says:

    Matt's Firbolg is the best character ever made

  35. Re-watching C2, seeing the pregnancy announcement and realizing that Ronin is now six years old is wild.

  36. Laura is one step away from dice goblin obsession.

  37. 2:14:34 "you dont have a cart?where'd you come from? That's so stupid."

  38. Marisha: dont make me laugh
    Pumat Sol has entered the chat

  39. I don’t know how my closed captioning ended up in German but I kind of like it

  40. I jsut woke up here

  41. First time watching through the campaign. At what point does beau become enjoyable to watch?

  42. @Ricky.Z says:


  43. @gschneyer says:

    If you don't talk to your son or daughter about mayonnaise, who will?

  44. @Ricky.Z says:

    Pumat Sol is my fav NPC thus far….. I know he'll be surpassed by Spurt later but I do love the Pumats

  45. 1:16:14 watching vox machina season three…she has songs written about her…songs…

  46. The Witcher music is one of my favorite things about c2. I’ve just started and it’s incredibly immersive and a favorite soundtrack of mine

  47. @WC1376C22 says:

    Laura Bailey = Loot Goblin

  48. @rover7565 says:

    bringing timestamps to top
    Thanks to CWAL for making these

    0:56 Furry mayo

    6:35 BABY

    Recap 10:08

    Game start 12:45

    16:38 Goggles

    21:47 Cute Nott and Caleb Moment

    31:59 Snap!

    43:31 Jester and the Traveler

    50:33 Nott is the best

    58:58 Unsaid agreement

    1:03:19 Naming of the Mighty Nein

    1:08:20 YET

    1:11:56 He really should've changed his hair… (And Fjord's surname)

    1:26:15 Child bearing age

    Break start 1:31:10

    Art start 1:39:54

    Break end 1:48:35

    2:00:22 Bandit time

    2:04:31 Extreme syphillis

    2:23:26 Caleb no- (Also Liam is dedicated, holy fucktarts)

    2:28:59 Caleb has issues

    2:48:09 Watches and Zemnian

    3:12:13 PUMAT (Also clean Caleb)

    Moar art 3:34:19

  49. Caleb giving Nott a birthday like a shelter dog's gotcha day lol I love it

  50. The next time they met the robbers was one of the best moments in campaign 2 xD

  51. @SimoLEnko says:

    I fucking love the Witcher 3 soundtrack playing on the background. Makes me feel like I'm home.

  52. I literally have never watched any of your guys’ videos but EVERY time I fall asleep watching YouTube I wake up to a video from this channel…

  53. 1:41:00 I am in fucking love with these characters, I love Vox Machina and Tal'dorei, yes, but man… the looks of the Mighty Nein and Matt's creative work on Wildemount is simply amazing, makes my brain so happy, I love this campaign

  54. 1:03:59 And a legendary crew was formed.

  55. Why does Enchanter Pumatzal sound like deeper-voiced Steve1989MREInfo

  56. 1:02:50 (a fjord)
    1:12:20 (its good to see you again)

  57. spongebobs it's the best day ever, bur replace day with lay.

  58. Thanks to CWAL for making these

    0:56 Furry mayo

    6:35 BABY

    Recap 10:08

    Game start 12:45

    16:38 Goggles

    21:47 Cute Nott and Caleb Moment

    31:59 Snap!

    43:31 Jester and the Traveler

    50:33 Nott is the best

    58:58 Unsaid agreement

    1:03:19 Naming of the Mighty Nein

    1:08:20 YET

    1:11:56 He really should've changed his hair… (And Fjord's surname)

    1:26:15 Child bearing age

    Break start 1:31:10

    Art start 1:39:54

    Break end 1:48:35

    2:00:22 Bandit time

    2:04:31 Extreme syphillis

    2:23:26 Caleb no- (Also Liam is dedicated, holy fucktarts)

    2:28:59 Caleb has issues

    2:48:09 Watches and Zemnian

    3:12:13 PUMAT (Also clean Caleb)

    Moar art 3:34:19

  59. @Syverence says:

    as of 2:25:38 caleb still laying on the table is killing me

  60. So let me get this straight. Basically, Jester's dad, made the best stripper in the country fall in love with him, was about to marry her, but then just dipped? What a Chad XD

  61. Thanks to CWAL for making these

    0:56 Furry mayo

    6:35 BABY

    Recap 10:08

    Game start 12:45

    16:38 Goggles

    21:47 Cute Nott and Caleb Moment

    31:59 Snap!

    43:31 Jester and the Traveler

    50:33 Nott is the best

    58:58 Unsaid agreement

    1:03:19 Naming of the Mighty Nein

    1:08:20 YET

    1:11:56 He really should've changed his hair… (And Fjord's surname)

    1:26:15 Child bearing age

    Break start 1:31:10

    Art start 1:39:54

    Break end 1:48:35

    2:00:22 Bandit time

    2:04:31 Extreme syphillis

    2:23:26 Caleb no- (Also Liam is dedicated, holy fucktarts)

    2:28:59 Caleb has issues

    2:48:09 Watches and Zemnian

    3:12:13 PUMAT (Also clean Caleb)

    Moar art 3:34:19

  62. For everyone coming here years later, or again. Here you go 1:03:58

  63. Thanks to CWAL for making these
    0:56 Furry mayo

    6:35 BABY

    Recap 10:08

    Game start 12:45

    16:38 Goggles

    21:47 Cute Nott and Caleb Moment

    31:59 Snap!

    43:31 Jester and the Traveler

    50:33 Nott is the best

    58:58 Unsaid agreement

    1:03:19 Naming of the Mighty Nein

    1:08:20 YET

    1:11:56 He really should've changed his hair… (And Fjord's surname)

    1:26:15 Child bearing age

    Break start 1:31:10

    Art start 1:39:54

    Break end 1:48:35

    2:00:22 Bandit time

    2:04:31 Extreme syphillis

    2:23:26 Caleb no- (Also Liam is dedicated, holy fucktarts)

    2:28:59 Caleb has issues

    2:48:09 Watches and Zemnian

    3:12:13 PUMAT (Also clean Caleb)

    Moar art 3:34:19

  64. @koacado says:

    there were moments in the last leg of c1 where travis appeared irritated, he seemed especially frustrated at the way marisha approached some situations. glad to see they chose to sit next to one another this campaign, they seem to be bonding a lot more❤

  65. Travis not being able to answer in RP do to laughing made me cackle

  66. Thanks to CWAL for making these (I copied them from @no_gaming_talent)

    00:00:56 – Furry mayo

    00:06:35 – BABY

    Recap – 10:08

    Game start – 12:45

    00:16:38 – Goggles

    00:21:47 – Cute Nott and Caleb Moment

    00:31:59 – Snap!

    00:43:31 – Jester and the Traveler

    00:50:33 – Nott is the best

    00:58:58 – Unsaid agreement

    1:03:19 – Naming of the Mighty Nein

    1:08:20 – YET

    1:11:56 – He really should've changed his hair… (And Fjord's surname)

    1:26:15 – Child bearing age

    Break start – 1:31:10

    Art start – 1:39:54

    Break end – 1:48:35

    2:00:22 – Bandit time

    2:04:31 – Extreme syphillis

    2:23:26 – Caleb no- (Also Liam is dedicated, holy fucktarts)

    2:28:59 – Caleb has issues

    2:48:09 – Watches and Zemnian

    3:12:13 – PUMAT (Also clean Caleb)

    Moar art 3:34:19

  67. more like Poo-Gyatt Sol

  68. whats hotter than wizards?? NOTHING

  69. "Trevors in the fuckin wind" that line goes hard

  70. “A clockin tickin” lmfao

  71. That furbolg merchant is 100%

  72. granted, the name drop scene was scripted

  73. Squeezing out a single fart somehow is Jermaine to the story

  74. If adapted into the show (and I REALLY hope it's the case), Matt HAS to voice Pumat Sol, no other voice will do, Only He! XD

  75. I'm still a firm believer they should have named the party "fjords explorers"

  76. I love how Talisen's hand movements about the helmet just get smaller, and smaller as time goes on.

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