~ Audiobook Description ~
It is not necessary that the whole church prays to begin with. Great revivals always begin first in the hearts of a few men and women whom God arouses by His Spirit to believe in Him as a living God, as a God who answers prayer, and upon whose heart He lays a burden from which no rest can be found except in persistent crying unto God. May God use this book to inspire many who are currently prayerless, or nearly so, to pray earnestly. May God stir up your own heart to be one of those burdened to pray, and to pray until God answers.
Jubilee and KJV Bible text. Used by permission. Narrated by Lyle Blaker.
Updated and Annotated.
Copyright © 2018 by Aneko Press, 203 E Birch St., Abbotsford, WI 54405
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~ Contents ~
Opening Credits…00:00
Editor’s Foreword…00:13
Ch. 1: Prayer Takes in the Whole Person…02:03
Ch. 2: Prayer and Humility…18:59
Ch. 3: Prayer and Devotion…34:21
Ch. 4: Prayer, Praise, and Thanksgiving…49:51
Ch. 5: Prayer and Trouble…1:06:12
Ch. 6: Prayer and Tribulation…1:32:06
Ch. 7: Prayer and God’s Work…1:43:53
Ch. 8: Prayer and Consecration…2:03:21
Ch. 9: Prayer and a Definite Religious Standard…2:23:47
Ch. 10: Prayer Born of Compassion…2:37:09
Ch. 11: Concerted Prayer…2:53:58
Ch. 12: The Universality of Prayer…3:10:25
Ch. 13: Prayer and Missions…3:23:25
R. A. Torrey – A Short Biography…3:46:56
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A rather hubristic subtitle.
Updated isn't good when it comes to the scriptures. Don't mess with God's word.
My PRECIOUS Grandmother prayed hours during ice cold nights and while dying, I heard her say, Herr Jesu, Ich liebe Dich!” She suffered horrifically!!!
I am nearly devoid of purity!!! I pray daily for forgiveness and mercy. If ONLY I HAD NOT FAILED HIM!!!
Is there still HOPE?!!!??????
I was watching the interview with Caviezel and Ballard and quickly was creeped out by the whole thing. I specialized in communicating with severly autistic young people, body language, tone, eye movement, stems, etc… both of these dudes are off. This movie is allowed, because it is distraction to cover the RCC.
Thank you. I wish I could have read such books much earlier in my life.
This is hot garbage. Just read the Torah
Stay cool madam. Our prayers are all about you and you only.
Humility is understanding that Christ has to pray through us.
Humility is knowing that only Christ can be humble.
Weapons of our warefare- mind of Christ, praise, prayer, word of God
The good news? Jesus Christ died for your sins, according to the scriptures, and that he was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures. Acknowledge your a sinner, ask Jesus Christ to forgive you, put your trust in his finished work on the cross / his shed blood that can cleanse your sin.. and ask him to forgive you and save you. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Thq for the Essentials of Prayer, … sadly during his lifetime he saw only two books of his published … but … we are grateful n thankful for being read this book published after the author had gone to be with our LORD.*
It does not matter if its labour or consocialists either way Master Schwabs is happy
Another incredible book. These are the books they should read in school
To all who are thirsty, if anyone can hear My Voice, as a hen gathereth…
Bring us our Lord into te same devo heart as you ty x)
So, 3:55:01, He had the Dementia"
What a horrific lot
This book was written in 1925 and is blessing me in 2023 God is GOOD!!
Nothing fails like prayer.
Why change the scriptures to a fake Bible?
I went to a hypnotist once to try to stop smoking all the people in the room was hypnotized, an I had a panic attack and had to leave the room.
I'm not a big reader myself & also my eyes aren't what they used to be so I have a hard time reading or get head aches from it , but I thank God & you all who do videos or audios available it's great ! and again thank you & God Bless you !
The original is such a good book. It's a shame that somebody changed from the Bible to some updated perversion that nobody's ever heard of the jubilee bible? That's not the Bible. That was done so somebody could modernize it supposedly and make money. Words matter and when you change words and take out Bible verses, the doctrine changes. (Chains of Truth are broken) how are you supposed to compare scripture with scripture when you change the Bible verses? That breaks Chainz / Links of truth that are consistent throughout the bible. The alexandrian text is corrupted. That's a fact and it's so sad to see Christians not care about this issue. They have thrown the Bible away and that's one of the reasons that this country is getting judged because Christians no longer care about God's words. The Bible is tried and true. Literally over and over in the book of Psalms KJV.. we see that the Bible is tried and true. Why? Well because of fulfilled prophecy and mathematics / statistics / probability we can see that all of the prophecies that God said would be fulfilled were fulfilled up to a point… Because of that we can conclude by the law of inference that the rest of them will be fulfilled just like God said. So atheists are actually foolish… Believing their own delusions… And not intellectual like they think they are.
A beautiful presentation of the Gospel of the stars. The background music was pleasant as well. I have read E. W. Bullinger’s book on the subject. It was interesting to hear a
different perspective from the land of the Northern lights!
This channel is a blessing!!
All you have to do is read Sermon on the Mount to know how to pray.
About praise & prayer go hand in hand..59minssinging in church is only one method of praise-59.30
The good of trouble-1.41mins.
Are our preachers seekers of holiness..from 1.45 mins.
If the preacher is: 1.58..how it must be proclaimed-2.03
Grace 1.59.
"I pray not for the world." Jonn 17.
Does anyone know what Bible version is quoted by the author?
It is a convicting and inspiring book.
Lol as soon as you name another version of the Bible that's when I clock off haha. kjv only
Works nonsense. So misguided.
Never let the WORLD break in. Amen. Now needed more than ever in the Babylon West in 2024 and beyond to the man made in his image Reset
If we do not abide in prayer we will abide in temptation. John Owen.
He never really had problems like life and death
Thank you so very much!
Is Tucker Carlson ‘s AI voice reading this?
I had a dream last night that I was somewhere and this person came to me and took me to a place where I was praying for this individual. Afterward I woke up in my bed.
Heavenly Father, please bless that family and all those people I encountered! Humbly asked in Jesus Christ name. Amen ❤
Amen, Chapter 3, hit true with me.
Father of Love, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Please guide me to a place where I can hang out with you in church. I’m tired of going to church and leaving hungry for your presence. Amen
halleluyah first time here won't be the last shalom my brother I thank Abba yah for leading me very fruitful message I know truth when I hear it you preach and teach it glory to the most high halleluyah
I was listening to this video while being asleep. And it made me be scarred of God. I thought God was gonna kill me the moment I stop praising him right. Bad impression, God is not like that. He praises us, that's his Kingdom! God bless you
Nothing fails like prayer
Who is listening in May 2024 and beyond? God is good! Trials come but it’s only to grow us in Christ ❤
Anyone can pray!!!
How dare you say only those already in Jesus can pray!!!!!
How do you think the lost find Jesus!!!!!
Will need to listen again because of digesting slowly but thank you, so much, for sharing inspirational books to listen to and be fed by. We are listening in May 2024, also. Glory to God for His Love. Mercy, Grace, and Goodness!
These academicians make everything so complicated. If you don't have a PhD, you're doing nothing right and are going straight to Gehenna.
Prayer isn’t always asking for things most times if you truly have a relationship with God it’s just simply thanking him for all he does.
I need this to grow. Thank God for a deeper and fuller understanding of prayer and its significance.
Excellent But too Long if possible pliz shorten it in JESUS Christ Amen
As in the days of Noah!!!
His Kingdom surely comes!!!!!
Thanks Brother!!!!!
so which pastor fell in november 2023???
I don’t know about this book. I’m a terrible singer, but I still have God in my heart. I don’t think singing on key or off key should be a measure of our faith.
I have heard of E. M. bounds for many years but I have not read any of his books or sermons. However, last Lord's day a pastor mentioned his name and gave a quote from this preacher which caused me to search out this man and his thoughts. May I find in him more wisdom by which to better serve God and my neighbor.
Hey dude cn i havw rhww huahll through ivwe wy minio
I love this book so refreshing
I wanna be a man of seasonless prayer
It’s beautiful I found my way an I really hope you guys find yours it so worth it I’ll never stop listening to the keys I know ther the way I can feel what it’s done for me I’ll never stop thank you god
Listening in first day of August, 2024. God bless.
Almost 100 years old and still no evidence of a single prayer answered. Millions of unanswered prayers however, has meant terrible deaths from starvation for innumerable people. Little wonder more people than ever KNOW God is entirely a myth and prayers are a load of old arse!!
And blessing me in 2024!
Thank God that someone had put this beautiful book on YouTube that I can listen to it days and nights without ceasing. I love E.M Bounds on prayer. I was exposed to his books by my spiritual father 2 years ago. I have zeal and desire a deeper prayer and he recommended Bounds books to me ever since and other materials. So deep. ❤
September 2024❤
Hi, just beginning to listen to this. I'm here in September 24. Seems substantial! Jesus is everything!!!
Who is listening 2025, 100 years since it was written in 1935!?
How do we pray if it feels like a chore? How can l love God when l don't feel love for him. I feel empty stuck.
my personal bookmark 1:02:54
I’m Jewish but this is cool to listen to for sleep. Rly calming me down
What right do you have to change Rev. Bounds’ text & Bible version? Did you ask Mr. Bounds? No, you can’t.
So by what rights do you have to do so, before God & man?
Jubilee Bible? Not the King James. 60 thousand changes & omissions.
(Rev. 22:18-19)
I fell asleep and the whole week I’ve been feeling distant from God and I woke up listening to this. It just started playing I guess
You pervert jesuits need to leave the scriptures alone! The author knew what translation to use!
Ikikkkkkkkiklkkkkkkk lfaaaAt. Peeee we
10 minutes in and I’m already overwhelmed by all the stuff that is pre- requisite to even being good enough to do a proper prayer.
Impossible standards.
What a bunch of man made bologna.
People read your Bible. The Messiah Yahushua taught us how to pray.
It breaks my heart and causes a rush of panicked sweat over my entire body to know that I've never been a Christian for all of these years, thinking I was.