
SOUTH PARK | Movie Trailer (2025) – Jonah Hill, Michael Cera

South Park as real Hollywood movie with comedy actors directed by Seth Rogan

All images and voices used in video generated with artificial intelligence.
This video created for entertainment purposes and not intended to offend anyone.
All characters and events are fictitious; any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental.




  1. @qaramood says:

    What cast of actors would you suggest?

  2. Seth rogan & will ferrell are going to steal the show

  3. i didnt realize how bad we needed this in our lifes.i hope they do this shit yo.

  4. @393Dan says:

    damn I'd watch this, even if only for the perfect cast

  5. Looks ai but I hope it's real

  6. Having sex with otha'gay fish~~
    A mutha'fukn gay fish!

  7. Noway franco could be Randy, I'd rather choose Tom Selleck or my cat Marcello, same moustache and dumb interrogative face, Rolling its head

  8. Seria bom ver Emma Watson atuando novamente.

  9. South Park is the cartoon !! Not realistic movie

  10. @MrLing. says:

    L’ia c’est un truc de dingue

  11. Yea… There's only 1 person who could be randy marsh & that's the creator of South Park himself.. & yea no this entire idea is terrible. Jonah hill is Jewish I'm pretty sure. So yea, A for effort

  12. I've been watching South Park since 2000. And this looks like the best movie for South Park there's never really been a movie. South Park bigger longer uncut was basically all the South Parks into one movie but it was more of a animated. This looks pretty cool.

  13. I bet mclovin will be in thsi film too

  14. This trailer is like trying to get a plane off a runway with peddles and 2 flat tires

  15. Jonah Hill as Eric Cartman
    Michael Cera as Stan Marsh
    Seth Green as Kyle Broflovski
    Pete Davidson as Kenny McCormick

  16. That would be a crazy cast for sure . But its clearly AI

  17. Is this AI produced trailer?

  18. Worst cast ever

  19. This would be epic as hell

  20. @ryzen137 says:

    What about Jim Parsons?

  21. The actors alone make it hilarious

  22. It’s not even a little bit funny

  23. "Why is Kanye doing the Nirvana co-… oh yeah"

  24. This is AI generated and is ***NOT AN OFFICIAL TRAILER***

  25. @Glowtato says:

    This is literally the perfect line-up of Actors for if this ever became real. XD

  26. Wish this was real

  27. This might be a reality in 2025. Trey and Matt have . . . something being made

  28. Uninspired casting tbh

  29. I love cartman AND garrizon ❤❤

  30. This is AI video

  31. Gross AI. Delete your account please. Thanks.

  32. Wtf is this ai bs

  33. In the name of all things holy. If you are going to make an AI South Park, why wouldn’t you let Issac Hayes to be chef. And Mr MacKee to be Dr Phil.

  34. This is so ai

  35. I fucking hate AI

  36. lol thats not Randy Marsh, not enough dad energy

  37. i love that there are people in the comments who think this is real lol

  38. What show are you talking about? Stan and Kyle always do what's right? They both commit a lot of serious crimes. They're awful bullies and bad people. It's funny how you make a video about a show you don't even know.

  39. Kanye is the star here

  40. Que buena serie!!! Shut up and take my money

  41. This is terrible!

  42. @joedav02 says:

    LoL they’re too old

  43. OMG Emma Watson as Wendy Testaburger??? That's so cool! She'll do perfect portraying Wendy for sure!

  44. Fucking horrible.

  45. A lot of actors there are identical Will Farrell – Megamind and Lord Business
    Seth Rogen – Frank
    Michael Cera – Barry and Robin
    Kirsten Wiig – Lucy

  46. Those actors are all like 30-40

  47. @jarett484 says:


  48. Stop making AI videos you talentless fucks

  49. Will Ferrell as McMackey: Mmmmmkay?

  50. @Suaili says:

    Были четвероклассниками, стали одиннадцатиклассниками..

  51. I'm gonna say it: John Oliver should play Mr. Mackey. He looks so much like him!!!!

  52. @Nintemo says:

    I think it's ai it looks like ai generated

  53. 0:29 bro wtf kenny on that acid tho

  54. @unoob2099 says:

    james franco as randy feels like bad choice lol

  55. AI can’t get hands right.

  56. @Jeyalues says:

    Oh lets goo Michael cera

  57. 2:13 pretty sure this resembles the South Park episode: “the hobbit”

  58. I would do anything to watch this movie!

  59. Stans dad is bad.

  60. Replace Will Ferrell with Steve Brule and I'm in!
    Actually, any movie where Pete Davidson is going to die a few times is guaranteed to be awesome.

  61. Kristen Wiig is perfect for Cartman's mom

  62. Id rather have aids than watch this

  63. @jaxsun72 says:

    Yeah I think this is what the kids nowadays would call delulu.

  64. They need to make a movie out of this! AND I SAY RIGHT NOW!!!!!

  65. Melissa as shelia is so fucking accurate

  66. @Di-vy3kr says:

    Yes yes yes yes yas yas

  67. Ahh this is the best one I mean with pete David son ❤

  68. @miinyoo says:

    This whole idea is dog shit and is why it's not a thing.

  69. this gotta be ai….

  70. @MDDapp says:

    Not a big fan of Pete Davidson, but I could see him as Kenny, good job.
    Really don't like Seth Rogan, but I would watch this anyway.

  71. They really screwed this up..

  72. Why is Tokin so old

  73. @itz_iz says:

    Me trying to find tweek and craig in the background

  74. They should deepfake the faces of adults onto childlike bodies like they did with the Snow White dwarves.

  75. This is so dumb, but why would i definetly watch this

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