
Reel Bana Do | Marwadi Song |Bhanwar Singh, Shiwi Rajpoot| R Beer, Rashmi| GR Music |Rajasthani Song

Tips Rajasthani Presents ‘Reel Bana Do – Full Video’ by by R Beer, presented by Tips Music and Tips Rajasthani. The renowned GR Music has composed the music for this sensational Rajasthani track, which features the talented and charming Bhanwar Singh Bhati, Shiwi Rajpoot in the music video. This beautiful song is a celebration of the vibrant spirit of Rajasthan and is not to be missed!

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Song Credits-

Title – Reel Bana Do
Singers : R Beer, Rashmi Nishad
Director : R Beer
Starring : Bhanwar Singh Bhati & Shiwi Rajpoot
Music Composed : GR Music
Lyrics: R Beer
Choreographer : Jyoti Shekhawat
Makeup : Mangal Rajasthani
Dancer Artist : Vanshika Chauhan, Riya Mahawer, Pratibha Rathore, Anuradha naruka , Khushi Kumawat, Kalpana Solanki
Costume By : Shree Shakambhari Designers
Editing & Di – Post production 7
A Film By : Sunny Chouhan

Song Lyrics –
Main Saj Dhaj Ke Ho Gayi Dekho Teyar Piya ji
Kiya lage the bataa do thari naar Piya ji X2

Main nachu thare sang the bhi Feel Dekha do
( Main ghumoor Ghalu Piya ji the Reel Bana do) X2

Antra – Phen ge Rajputi poshak piya Reel Bana su
Jo the laya jaipur Sher se baa Heel Dekha su X2

Me nachu cham cham R Beer the Geet laga do
( Main ghumoor Ghalu Piya ji the Reel Bana do) X2

Antra – Thari Saari Baatan Sun Su Filmi Seen Bana Su
Jiya keh so the Gori Biya Reel Bana Su X2

Video Ho Ja si Viral Good Thane Feel Karva du
( le Nach Mari Gori Main Thari Reel Bana Du ) X2

For movie& album please get in touch with:
Iqbal – +91 8209040094
Email –

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  1. Nice song ❤❤

  2. Super Amezing ❤❤❤

  3. राजस्थानी भाषा को मान्यता दो

  4. I love rajsthani song ❤❤

  5. R beer sir superb ❤❤❤❤❤

  6. Ye song bhot he acha Banya h r beer sir

  7. R beer sir❤

  8. All in one – r beer❤

  9. super song rbeer जी

  10. rbeer nice work

  11. Hit hoga yeh song ❤

  12. @DJPBhakti says:

    Super song

  13. Nice song ❤❤

  14. Nice song bhaiya ❤

  15. 4lakh view 8-9cr population why people don't support our classic music how sweet and clean

  16. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  17. ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  18. Very nice song Insta par trending song ❤❤

  19. Ye song bahut hit hoga

  20. ❤❤❤❤❤

  21. Best song hai ❤❤❤❤❤

  22. भंवर सा हीरो बीकानेर ❤❤❤❤

  23. Bahut achcha song❤

  24. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  25. @apinda301 says:

    Instagram se kon kon aaya h

  26. Nice song bhanwar saa

  27. @RonaBhati says:


  28. Beautiful song ❤

  29. ❤love song handsam hero

  30. @SumamYogi says:

    Very nice song

  31. nice song bawar sa

  32. ❤️❤️

  33. Bikaner h mart ❤

  34. ❤ बाय

  35. ❤इंस्टाग्राम से सुनकर ❤ यूट्यूब पर कोने कोने आया ❤ है

  36. सुपरहिट

  37. Location ❤ and song ✨️✨️✨️

  38. Very heart full song ❤❤

  39. Sainsar noka,kahero ❤

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