
Praise with Dance & Worship with Weights Workout

There is never a better time to worship and praise our Maker then now. As I enter this 30th year; this new decade, I am so thankful for how far God has brought me, and I’ve been holding steadfast to the promise that God is not done with me yet.

Let the words of these Elevation Worship songs lift you, inspire you to keep searching for peace and joy, and allow you to express your gratitude to God.

Grab your 5-8lb dumbbells and get ready to feel a shift in your heart, mind, an body.

Songs: Praise – Elevation worship
Runnin’ – Elevation Worship
More than Able – Elevation Worship

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All information provided by growwithjo is of a general nature and is furnished only for educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold growwithjo harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims.


  1. I just found your channel, and I really love it!! Thank you for creating this channel where I can do the workout with a joyful heart.. Would you create more videos with praise songs? Love from Indonesia

  2. I love this! Just came upon it today. Thank you ❤ from Grand Junction, Colorado.

  3. Awesome workout. Thank you. Blessings. ❤

  4. I love doing your Praise Gospel workouts. I hope there will be more in the future. I also love these more modest outfits, I prefer looking at that then the others <3

  5. @klw1978 says:

    Love this workout! I do it often!

  6. thank you so much. please do more!

  7. @judys1340 says:

    Absolutely love this! I have been working out to worship music for years. Its so uplifting and invigorating. God bless you!

  8. Thank you! Love this ❤❤❤

  9. Hi, do you do any low impact dance with praise music? I could probably substitute the jumping.. but love this idea

  10. What a satisfying workout! Got my heart rate a little up while praising God! Wonderful! Thank you!

  11. Best thing I ever did was reading the book Woman’s weight loss secrets: the unspoken truth, after applying the knowledge I got from the book I feel like the cellulite is magically disappearing from my body

  12. I love it ! ❤️

  13. Please make more video like this. Let's praise and sweat…

  14. Worship is about God, for God, not for ourselves

  15. ❤ this was amazing thank you

  16. This made my whole morning! Thank you so much girly ❤❤❤

  17. I wish there was a way to love this more than once❤❤❤❤❤

  18. WOW!!!!! That's awesome!!!!!

  19. Thanks so much for this workout. I just completed it, and the praise made it all possible. At 58 my fit trim body has taken a new journey. I am seeking unification with my original strength. This made my day. Im in tears!! ❤

  20. Literally have found my channel!!! Praising Jesus and working – yes, plz!!!

  21. @lolyss8 says:

    I love it thank U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. I teach PE to kindergarten-fifth grade at a Catholic school. We loved doing this workout this week. The kids were out of breath after the first song.

  23. I love working out with Mandisa's songs. I ran miles with her songs.


  25. I am a Christian and a mother of two and before my kids were fairly fit and healthy and after my kids, there was a shift and the care I have taken towards myself has gone out the back door. I have longed to start exercising and alongside music specifically gospel but I am just not motivated. Seeing this is so blessed and inspiring and has definitely lit a fire in me!

  26. Wow this is beautiful. I will do this.

  27. Just retired and need a good workout routine. Praise God. I thoroughly enjoyed it. God bless you

  28. Love it !
    Worshipping while working out . More of these please .
    Also, love those pants ! Where did you get them?

  29. Today is my 2 yr vsg surgiversary. Our God is a healer and restorer! Keep pushing. He has not given up on us so we cannot give up on ourselves!!!! Thank you @growwithjo for this amazing workout!!! I cried and worked!!!! HE is so good!!!!

  30. The pte-show of next movement is a great idea. Now i am greedy to ask if yiu could include the lyrics

  31. Thank you so much for this

  32. Que benção, exercita o corpo e o espírito! ❤

  33. Incredible worship praise the Lord ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  34. God bless you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  35. @Ma2Nus says:

    Hello, I'm from Brazil and I've never seen a video like this! Thank you for sharing! God bless you so much!❤❤❤

  36. @Juanaaaa says:

    I've been waiting for something like this! THANK YOU!

  37. God bless you ❤

  38. This is beautiful! I run a program where I help mothers lose weight and regain health. I will definitely send them to your channel. This is amazing!!

  39. Thanks much for sharing Sis. Awesome! ❤

  40. whats the clinking noise?

  41. Love this workout! Your pants [shape] reminded me of Art from Monsters University, so some of the poses made me chuckle. Thank you for the Christian workout!!

  42. OH MY GOODNESS!! I love that you did this!!!! This is the best way to work out! I’d love more of these worship songs!!

  43. Hi Jo, I’m from melbourne. And this specific workout video is by far my favorite. I love the aesthetics of your house. Your clothes and of course its worship songs. I hope you’ll make a lot of videos like this. It’s not intimidating for beginners like me. Btw, I lose 1 kg already in a week. Thanks to you! ❤❤❤

  44. Impossible à faire

  45. Thank you for sharing. A mom of 3 months old baby and trying to lose cellulite and baby fat. The song is motivational and your smile is charming

  46. You are beautiful and graceful and lovely! Thank you for such a wonderful work out!! Im nearly 60 years old and needed something that would work my body but not kill my joints. This is it!! I love it and will subscribe! Thank you!!!

  47. Beautiful ❤

  48. I felt the Lord's presence in that work out! Thank you Jo!

  49. I loooovvvvvveeee the fact that I ran across your channel!!! Praise the lord for you & this beautiful workout idea!

  50. This is the best exercise video I've ever done where it was nice to not have nasty music or have naked folk! It was the first one where I felt the Lord strength throughout the entire workout. I really appreciate it and would feel so comfortable having my children see this as well.

  51. @janna8864 says:

    I so enjoyed this experience of exercise and worship. It helped to shift my mind to where it needed to be on this Thanksgiving morning. Jo, you are a worship leader!! Thankful for your ministry ❤

  52. @CV-cg9yg says:

    Love this modesty sis❤

  53. Thank you so much.
    Please can you do a belly fat workout with gospel

  54. I'm going to share this on fbook!!

  55. Love this one!

  56. @janet7818 says:

    I was feeling very low and in the dumps. I needed to work out and this suggestion of praise and dance is exactly what i needed. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit as i was worshipping and praying in tongues. Thank God for you Jo xx

  57. It is beautiful workout with worship and thank you for all

  58. I didnt feel like moving today and almost didnt do it. Thank you

  59. I love that the low-tempo worship songs were included. I think we typically think working out goes with upbeat songs, but slowing it down allowed me to meditate more on the lyrics and the movements my body can do because of God. ❤

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