
Nostalgia Critic – A.I (Artificial Intelligence) VOSTFR

Notre critique preféré s’occupe du rêve de Kubrick mis en pellicule par Spielberg, AI ou Intelligence Artificielle.

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  1. Super initiative cette chaîne par contre est-ce que tu pourrais passer à une écriture un peu plus lisible stp ? ^^ +1 abonné

  2. @hakumael says:

    Hé bien bravo. j'ai vraiment aimé tes traduction, et tes petits commentaires (qui devrait tout de même restait un peu plus longtemps a l'écran). J'attend avec impatience tes prochaines traduction 🙂

  3. @SgtMcDick says:

    Je viens de lire la ligne que le journaliste de TMZ black vient de dire sur Kubrick…
    Je le trouverai… Et je le tuerai… (référence à "Taken")

  4. Merci au traducteurs ! Bon boulot B|

  5. @Krwzprtt says:

    Je te fournis le matos…gratuitement.

  6. @durza9390 says:

    TAIN LE PLACEMENT DE PRODUIT A 20! Aucun respect xD

  7. Superbe into *-*

  8. Pourquoi j'ai une irrépressible envie de frapper cette troupe de journalistes?

  9. Le monologue de Critic à la fin est juste…magnifique.

  10. @kiorili says:

    les films de Kubrik font cette effet-là ^^

  11. Alors en fait, le flashback a 8:21 est, en plus de faire référence à l'épisode d'Halloween, une parodie de la scène d'intro d'"Apocalypse Now", d'où l'utilisation de la chanson des Doors ^^ (en fait, je pense que beaucoup le savent déjà, mais je l'ai pas vu dans les commentaires, donc bon).

  12. La chute était quand même prévisible, exellente critique.

  13. putin j'avais pas vu que ce nostalgia critic etait sur ta chaine et j'ai cru que il t'avait fait une pub XD

  14. The moral of the movie is: Never buy a 1st generation of new gadget inventions!
    Seriously, David is nothing more than a prototype. That's why he was to be destroyed in the beginning, or that he lacks comprehension for just about anything.

  15. le passage ou la mere depose son fils en voiture sa me rapelle un episode des simpsons ou bart est remplacé par un robot

  16. @gellax111 says:

    Règle n°25 bis de la navigation sur Internet: si tu veux te faire oublier, ne fais rien et prie pour que tu ne deviennes pas un meme.

  17. 28:35 J'ai vu un mur, moi

  18. @kassie2k4 says:

    I like AI, it's not a perfect movie, and some changes to it would be good, but I think it's nice, and yeah the 2000 years have passed thing is a bit silly, but I think it really enforces how strong and limitless some love can be – would you spend that long alone in a box staring at some diety wishing for just 1 more day with someone? Or, to put it into human timescales, a few decades? I think some people would if they could, but we can't, but he can, so I think it's a nice thing to imagine. What record of your feelings for someone will exist in the future even just a couple of generations down the line? I guess that's a bit different context than what's in this movie, but it gets me thinking and imagining, and I like things that get me doing that – so I think overall this is a nice movie.

  19. I can't believe this is kubrick. You ruined it speilberg!

  20. Is that Bad-Luck Bootsy?

  21. @zzizzi02 says:

    When you try to criticize about a tomato sphagetti, You shouldn't focus on each ingredients. Like, 'Tomato isn't a tomato sphagetti!' , 'Water isn't a tomato sphagetti!!' , 'A fuckin bowl? are you kidding me? It's not a tomato sphagetti!' …. You should think about the result. The harmony of each ingredients. If he was just trying to be funny, well, I think he did a great job. but If he really wanted to criticize the movie,I don't think he is a right person to be a critic. I don't think I'm going to watch his other vids. No more stupid gay jokes and weird actings.

  22. @banzai217 says:

    Le plus beau Nostalgia critique fait a ce jour !, je parle surtout de la conclusion qui nous fait voir ce film d'une toute autre façon .

  23. I'm so glad they cut Malcolm's "drunk rant" out when it was re-upped.

  24. Sérieusement………………. Arrêtez de vous trouvé original en changeant la police d'écriture des sous titre, je n'arrive pas a lire correctement tellement c'est petit et chiant….
    Vous allez me fait ne pas aimé le nostalgia critic…

  25. 3:47 je connais cette musique grâce à des jeux pas très enfantin

  26. So that was the rant they cut from the re-upload? Wow that's fucking gay.

  27. I've read the development history of A.I and all i can say this…

    Oversaturation over little nit picks and clearly didn't do any research before watching this movie about thr development of AI, One thing is to amuse that friends yes, BUT ACTUALLY they were close friends since the 1980s And i can prove it. Stanley ask Spielberg advice during the Shining and he said jack Nicholson, though talented he is he thought it was a little TOO INSANE there other bit but that's most well known… And After Schindler's List Kubrick was glad someone else have a holocaust theme movie during wwII he found his research too depressing and cancelled when Spielberg made his holocaust film.

    Also If A.I. end with david trapped frozen forever…. What kind of ending is that, I mean roll credit movie over… It just ends there, MORE than willingly to believe particularly everyone would have destroy Kubrick over this ending I mean it's no 2001 A Space Odyssey or clockwork orange hell even eyes wide shut. But i mean it Ends there roll credits A very simple ending I mean since 2001 every kubrick film ends on a cryptic note that reflects the movie as a whole look at 1975 Barry Lyndon or 1987 Full Metal Jacket and 1971 A Clockwork Orange they all have an ending that reflects the movie as a whole but if 2001 A.I ends there what does it mean how does reflect the movie as a whole…

    Jesus Why do people say things like If I copy Kubrick style maybe it will make my movies as good as his… You're such a Child, Who cares if Spielberg copied him. NOT to mention there is video about tarnatio who Basically steals from older movies also Christopher Nolan is the most compared to kubrick out of anyone yet you don't criticize him BIG DEAL so What… You know Just because someone who… well…. I don't… DEFINITE FILMMAKING who Basically CREATED MODERN Cinema film schools teach us what they did with there movies yet you treat this like a crime in Cinema…. Film schools mostly teach a lot of kubrick's technique yet this is a crime.
    Also Steven spielberg is not a Kubrick Copy cat I've met actually people at where else… Independent Cinema like cannes who Basically prided themselves as the next Kubrick of this generation yet you Wouldn't never have heard unlit you look it up on independent movie website or actually watch independent films, Also why don't you ever review independent films because they are art and you know that if you're childish reviews will mostly cause controversy by making your self like a child who doesn't understand FilmMaking also you given your self a bad rap so i see why you don't review independent films you'ed see at small and VERY STUPIDLY HIDDEN theaters like my god I can't believe where some of these theaters most of the one I've encountered are very well hidden and all are small largeish room with buildin theater so yeah some are hard to find while others open to the public.

    On a final note you "Nostalgia "CRITIC"" who expects everyone to treat you like a God critic and think you're right no matter what you don't even represent criticism at I've your deadpool 2 and i did see it in theaters and you got everything wrong and miss presented the film and at worse made unnecessarily brought rick and Morty and freakaizo for no reason and they them more important than the actual review, It because of people like I am forced to make my own judgment meaning I have TOO watch it in order to believe and give own opinion instead of trusting a reliable source especially for a person who knows Nostalgia

  28. So this is the only place to find Malcom’s TMZ moment. Got it.

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