
Jo Koy’s Hilarious Stand-Up at Gotham Comedy Club

Jo Koy is the man Variety calls one of the “Top 10 Comics to Watch”. Watch him along with Matt Kirshen, Michelle Buteau and James Ponce live from New York’s legendary Gotham Comedy Club.


  1. My brother Jo Koy

  2. It's a Latino thing fasho only the ones with dad's at least

  3. She really called her that haha

  4. Koy ; ) good stuff.

  5. @Optim40 says:

    Back when we were normal and knew how to have fun. It's a gah damn disaster right now.

  6. I said this before ill say it again his beginning acts were slightly above sub par but now Jo's funny is white people funny he's like Kevin Heart white people funny that being said I didn't watch this because I'm already knowing it's not gonna be good. One more thing he'll talk about being Asian, Asian rice, and his mom with Joseph this Joseph that 'yawn' with that Asian mom voice history give it up you're an embarrassment.

  7. @resq9 says:

    Last 3 killed

  8. I started apnea sleep nasal treatment a month ago. Best life decision ever. I only wish I did it ages ago.

  9. @Jdngerz says:

    Dang this was from 2013?

  10. The queen makes coffee in her toilet, since that is a perk 🙂

  11. Hold up. Tony Robert’s did that joke about grabbing ti***es as the plane was crashing many years ago. LoL I had the DVD

  12. Not the 10yr old joke tho

  13. Hi koy bombs again since his first special he hasn’t written a joke . I’m half Filipino and he’s coasted only because Filipino support . 1st special very good not great every appearance after is just filler with open mic quality .

  14. Royalty??? INBRED MONSTERS

  15. wow! I didn't realize that Brits were absolutely clueless about what a cowboy does! Stop cows from leaving fields?
    Farmers? Farmers grow plants… Ranchers aren't farmers… they may grow feed for their herd, but thats not really the same. We have dogs that stop cows from leaving fields… Cowboys move 300 head of cattle from grazing fields to corrals or other fields.. across distances the size of their country. They wrangle each 1000+ lb heifers and their calves into positions where we can brand them, innoculate them and tag them… The male calves, we also remove their nuts… which we sterilize clean and grill and serve as rocky mountain oysters… We often keep watch over the herd during calving season to assist cows having birthing issues through the night.. Sometimes spending 18 plus hours on horseback… horses which we train, saddle and maintain. We move 1500 lb bulls into 300 head herds, then seperate again after they have bred them. For fun, we take the rowdiest bulls and wildest horses and we try to ride them, but add a painful rope to their nuts before we do, just to make sure they are on their rowdiest behavior. We do it to raise beef for your steaks and burgers. It is a job that cant be automated or replaced by technology because it becomes horribly inhumane. There were butchers a long time ago and butchers exist today because they are still necessary. So are cowboys… and if a brit says that they have steak and burger but no cowboys and do fine…. I will simply put an american, grass-fed, USDA approved steak next to the comparative english 'steak' and let anyone choose for themselves.
    Cowboys represent the Masculine male, the lone ranger, half wild and half domesticated, Not afraid of work, getting dirty or standing their ground. It represents our spirit as a country… much like a british biscuit factory worker is for them.

  16. @EH-ku1lo says:

    Oh this sucks.

  17. He's Not even funny at all, And I hate when people say Latino there's no such thing

  18. I think this is an old video.

  19. I would kindly like to know/ get in touch with that lady seated in front with the Afro.

  20. This must be a good 10 years ago, the materials at least.

  21. @bull419 says:

    Most Puerto Ricans in New York don't speak with an accent other than a New York accent.

  22. Jo Koy, for all your racist/gay anecdotes; whether you want em or not… he has em.

  23. There is nothing funny about Joe joy. No delivery. No aura . Jokes are lame. Just because he’s Filipino doesn’t mean Filipinos have to support him. He’s not funny.

  24. Jokes now a days is a garbage get real

  25. @691Micro says:

    I didn’t know Filipinos were considered Asians.

  26. @Itong172 says:

    Yeah he is. That's why all his shows are fully booked.

  27. Thanks, Great Show. Axis t.v. is fantastic with Gotham Comedy Live.

  28. On politics ….ah…probably time to end the two-party duopoly and vote Peace 3rd Party candidates lmho

  29. Oh Bernie Madoff…shylock the gnome….great one liner…lol

  30. Wylie Coyote seemed to have an adversarial role with Bgs Bunny a.k.a. the Roadrunner….a lot of times Wylie ran off a Cliff and realized gravity was a real world phenomenon… and Bugs was snickering in Glee. Haha

  31. I got a code taco bell. The party has the Munchies…a o.k. thanks James

  32. Just got married. Fabulous news….white gold is forever…like a Kardashian lol…how does a new born look like a dumb a$$? Ikea use it like chair..mmm..felt in ❤️

  33. My brother joy koy would pass for a Cubano of boricua … next stand up should be in Miami … that’ll light the whole southern florida up

  34. Oh god not yet more identity based jokes

  35. @inamotv says:

    can't watch this, the things he's been saying here are old. makes me cringe a little bit tbh

  36. @eyds2215 says:

    Overrated! Not funny at all

  37. Every Hispanic accent beside the Mexican one is shit! So annoying to hear them speak incorrectly

  38. He needs to come up with new material. There’s so much more he can do with his Filipino culture, the old material is not funny anymore and I’m sure with his talent he can come up with something new

  39. How come i know u not asian but u dont. I bet u say u Asian by Asians but u not Asian when there is no Asian. U are pacific Islander. U dont know the difference like ur dad.

  40. Guy says dum shit tho. Of course u can be president. Chances are low but so is a top professional athlete. Also get off Kardashians nuts. U wish u were as successful as that family. How many families u know have at least w billionaires hater

  41. Typical Jew! can make fun of everyone but someone says something about them they get blacklisted

  42. This is an old set. Probably over 10 years old he has a beard now and his eyebrows are turning white lol

  43. That jay guy in the middle i think was a cute kid jusf very nervous

  44. When was this?

  45. @Leon-c5e says:

    Need new material guy's

  46. You don't look Asian.

  47. He really sucks…..

  48. @Rae-lh7ex says:

    Repeat, jokes been said before, lame

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