Family photos are reminders of a time gone past – but there’s a new tool out there that’s putting a future spin on those keepsakes.
There’s artificial intelligence that animates photos – whether it’s of a loved one, an ancestor, or of a historical figure – and makes them seem lifelike.
Global’s Sharmeen Somani tells us how it works and some of the concerns it raises.
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They're trying to get data
I don’t like this,,,it’s unnatural
bakamitai intensifies!
"dame dame dame yo"
They need to use this for missing children and adults!
They are trying to push this technology so that it grows and spreads and it becomes increasingly difficult to separate truth from fiction. Deep fakes are lame anyways. I've yet to see one thats actually convincing.
Deep nostalgia
hey awesome! Now I can truly not have any friends and be like the guy who married his sex robot then cheated on it! Thanks AI! I'm sure you were using the prototype of this for RBG for a while.
Niko from Corridor Digital has entered the chat….
Spooky. Ich denke, sowas würde echt verstörend auf mich wirken, wenn ich Bilder meiner verstorbenen Verwandten animieren lassen würde.
What They don’t tell you is once you download it it’s a trial then after you have to pay yearly at $139 rip off
Now I can revive my family with old photos.
So you can use it with modern photos too, not just old ones.
It reminds me when I was young I always felt like my cousin Michael Jackson thriller poster was watching me everywhere I went. Nope I'm good on that
I tried it with my father’s military photo. So handsome
Comments are turned off on every CBC you tube video. WHY? wake up canada!
What the app I can't get it? Who can hell me
Fa un po' impressione
This tech has been around for years. I recall a program called photo speak on android did this.
Creepy as hell
Bad thing is. U can only do it for free a handful of times. Before they make u get a $200 a year sub to the site.
I wish I could see how I looked as a kid. I have no film or videos of me growing up.
It's good,but MyHeritage wants you to signup to for a whole year to use this feature. They seem to think people are made of money.
This reminds me so much of pictures in newspaper and paintings that are moving in Harry Potter !
Fantasy is becoming reality!
My ex boyfriend died 7 years ago and on his death anniversary I went to visit her mom… We both use myheritage app and the two of us were crying.
Victorian age post-mortem photos are super creepy.
Something new to help justify lies and bring your avant garde hallucinations to life (if you get what I mean).
my father
Amazing wonderful knowledgeable unforgettable
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