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BEST-Bang-For-Buck Dumbphone 2024 – My ‘NEW’ phone for the next 40 days [Lent 2024]


  1. I love that blackberry wow ❤

  2. I still have my blackberry classic and I love it. My browser works but yeah that's about it other than texting and calling.

  3. @ESiler says:

    Does BBM still work? Just curious

  4. It was one of the beat phone on the market, hope it can get back in a way

  5. Tbh that's kinda a waste of money it isn't compatible today with the current apps it'll be good if you want a basic phone

  6. @dezz26 says:

    Blackberry really dropped the ball when they had the opportunity to beat Apple to the smartphone market

  7. I miss my old Razr. Trusty and the battery lasted forever. No one bugging me with social media. Loved it.

  8. @modansh_ says:

    I will buy this phone in 20$, will you sell me?

  9. Not dumb just outdated lol.

  10. That's still kinda a smartphone

  11. I wish Apple or Google would buy the rights to the blackberry classic and just upgrade the OS to iOS or android so it could be used with everything. I would buy it so quick

  12. What a waste….I know a friend who could hook you up with some software that would turn it into something valuable again…trust me you would never put it down ever

  13. I miss my BalckBerry Bold.

  14. I still have a Blackberry Q10, I use it for notes.

  15. Why do people feel the need to get a dumb phone? I have a pro phone I average 2 hours of screen time.. literally all u have to do is delete social media show some self control and have the best of both worlds

  16. Nice! Looking forward to the new minimal phone

  17. @YoSoy11 says:

    25? Here in Germany cost like 200 lol thats too much for a phone that don't do anything

  18. They still make Blackberry phones ?

  19. I’d probably get a lot more house cleaning done if I had a dumber phone .

  20. Superior design to anything apple makes

  21. @con-rob says:

    People don't actually want a "dumb phone", they was a more minimal smart phone. They still want music, NFC payment, wireless charging, a good camera, etc. You can take any Android phone and make it into a minimal experience smartphone easy for using a separate free Google Family account.

  22. @TayrOoz01 says:

    I have the Bb classic too. but i cant get the 4G/LTE network. only 3g. what can i do?

  23. @Igoenesia says:

    Still worthy at this time? 2024?

  24. I just love phones with a QWERTY keyboard. Unfortunately, they are very rare these days.

  25. Hack it and install an Android OS

  26. @916nene says:

    I miss phones when they used to have a physical keyboard

  27. If I had absolutely no regard for security vulnerability I would get one too.

  28. @fennecRBX says:

    you can install APKs on it for better browsers and what not.

  29. I miss blackberry

  30. Dumb phone why do people gotta start trending it's just a phone if anything most smart phones are dumb

  31. If I recall this one runs android

  32. I miss blackberries so much. Blackberries and sidekicks were the coolest phones when I was a teenager, then iPhone came out. I never got the chance to even have a blackberry or sidekick because my parents didn’t get me one, but now that I’m an adult I’m thinking why not just a witch my iPhone for a blackberry?

  33. @Nghakuai says:

    i bet the camera still works……hehe

  34. @D_Mukness says:

    Back date it and the apps usually work

  35. Where can I buy?

  36. Where I can buy

  37. As someone who used this phone up until February 2023, the battery in this phone was insane, i would do email, WhatsApp (android app) facebook messenger (android appp) and it would never die for the entire day, my only issue with it is that the keyboard stopped working randomly and then it lost signal which i later found out was the network stopping 3G service but i had already moved on to another phone by then. I loved this phone for taking notes and it's compact size when out in public without the risk of dropping it. I do wonder if the android versions of Gmail and Outlook will work on this now.

  38. BESTE PHONE! still in use?

  39. It’s looks so beautiful

  40. @Qce-i6d says:

    Do people SoftMod Blackberry phones like they do old handheld consoles?

  41. @taber1975 says:

    Having one for work would be perfect. Talk/text with no distractions. For $25 you could have this for work hours and your iPhone for personal time

  42. @icewais says:

    I want the qwerty back

  43. Is that a uk north east accent I can hear?

  44. @vdc1499 says:

    Does it have whatsapp? thats all I care about really

  45. @EastEZ82 says:

    I used to love this phone so much

  46. These phones are best to avoid addiction from social media and unnecessary apps and games

  47. I badly want manufacturers to making such phones again, full screen touch phones are so boring nowadays. These form factors can be experimented with better speakers, camera, bigger battery and even better cooling system, TouchPad controls for gaming.

  48. Cool to see so many are going back to these, so happy I saved my every single phone since the first one ☺️

  49. Unusable now. You cannot set these up after a factory reset as the servers are closed. I’ve tried on 4 different phones and the only one I have that is set up is one I did prior to the servers being closed. There’s a glitch you can kind of get to work by having text to speech turned on but I haven’t managed to get it to work

  50. Also these can run android 4.0 apps in a run time environment. Very few run but so far I have Snapchat opened to a login screen but won’t log in. WhatsApp did work but now they stopped support. Temple run lags and runs in a small screen in the corner. No map apps at all work not do any social media apps

  51. Best phone ever. Phones like blackberry are free from AI dangers.

  52. I loved the BlackBerry Classic. Just brought mine back out and charged it and it still holds charge really well. Setting it back up again.

  53. I still keep my blackberry priv on standby cause every now and again, I like to go back to using a physical keyboard in tandem with a CLI launcher whenever it's been a while since I've used a terminal. I also have a modded Nexus 4 I keep around that I removed the cameras, microphone, and speakers from and installed a custom ROM with zero Google services and nothing installed on it can call back to any servers that i do not own. No Facebook, no Google, no Microsoft, no apple, nothing. It makes calls, sends texts, and has a web browser. It doesn't listen in on me whenever it wants, and even if anything DOES slip through the cracks, there's no microphone or cameras installed for anyone to even use. If I want to make a call, I use headphones either wired or Bluetooth and when they're not connected, good luck. I also have a suite of apps and tools that are privacy focused for VPNs, TOR, IP masking, Mac address masking, etc. That's my privacy phone. With companies buying/selling/leaking our data every single day, this was something I felt I needed to do. For media I either use local media or I'll stream from my own custom built streaming server. Yes I daily drive an iphone and a Galaxy fold so I don't use my privacy phone as much as I should be anymore but it's always there waiting for my sim any time I want to use it.

  54. I would like to have a dumb phone that is capable of anything except media consumption. So phone, sms, email, calendar, google maps, whatsapp, banking apps yes, yt, insta etc. no

  55. I like that , these phones spy on man

  56. I miss blackberry phones. They're better than apple

  57. The issue with these older phones especially android ones in particular, is that the battery life is god awful. Even flagships had be charged at least 2x a day. And there is the issue of alot of carriers dropping service for 2g and 3g and even some 4g phones dont work now

  58. what is this black berry called exactly

  59. I mean u’d still have music and u can take photos of like maps? its a reallygood dumbphone tbh

  60. Had this.
    On AT&T back in the day. Was top of the line at one point.
    One could get this as a "home phone"

  61. @jtankrah says:

    I’ve always lowkey wanted one of these

  62. @thejabar says:

    I can share the method, you can make it run a the android apps on it

  63. @pacoag99 says:

    Can you still use instagram, Spotify, YouTube, WhatsApp?

  64. Don't forget, this one has 2gb of ram and 16gb. And runs on Android kitkat.

  65. @l4rjy says:

    Did you call a BB Phone a dump phone?

  66. What SIMS Card or Service do I use for the BlackBerry? T-Mobile?

  67. Browssr dont work?

  68. @rickg8556 says:

    Which services allows blackberry. Many don’t anymore

  69. Definitely miss these. Let’s hope Apple comes out with something similar

  70. During my corporate world days, I have BB Curve and BB Classic. I missed Those time that I was using BB though I still have them now preserved.

  71. I would put a more modern version of Android giving it access to more but keep using it for mostly the same reason

  72. soon you will be back to pager

  73. Cool blackberry better than. Today's phones I miss my blackberry curve and bold also my blackberry flip

  74. The only issue I'd foresee is not having access to 5G networks.

  75. You're actually holding the most secure phone on the planet. Blackberry security is legendary .

  76. Hi! May I asi, Can you install msg Lite and other apps for communication? And Can you use browser to look at mail and such? Im booking for dumb phone to use but I need to chat with my family

  77. Dumb ? come on bro, blackberry is the best productivity phone i have ever used in my whole life.

  78. It seems more people are downgrading their phones

  79. You could have achieved the same thing by turning off the internet on your smartphone.

  80. I loved my blackberry. I would totally go back to one if we could

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